Contracorriente: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The cells are outdoors cages made by wires and bars and exposed to the
Caribbean burning sun burning.
Among of their actions, the yank empire surpasses a lot the German Nazism
cruelty and sadism.  They also boast ostentatiously of violating all the
norms, traditions and international laws. There is no reason to surprise us:
because they have been able to murder their own citizens September 11 to
justify their imperialistic war of absolute domain of the world, the rest
comes besides... genocide against the town of Afghanistan, prisoners'
murder, tortures until death and now extermination fields in the face of the
silence or the indulgence of the civilized occident.
The final stage of the capitalism is characterized by the appearance and the
development of these imperialistic monsters helped by flunkies' governments,
and all them cohesive and directed by the yank imperialism.
We have entered in the blackest, the most reactionary and sanguinary period
of the human history. Common chart of all the human conquests has been made.
Globally the western intellectuality has put itself to the service of this
imperialistic politics that tries to prolong the dying capitalism life from
to intensify to unheard ends the aching humanity's sufferings. All that
touches the capitalism in this stage is perverted and degenerated. The
capitalism is the humanity's fundamental enemy.
The Guantanamo cages for the heroic taliban and Al Qaïda combatants are
maybe the symbol that represents the best, what the capitalism is today, in
its imperialistic final stage. The whole culture and western civilization,
fruit of many centuries of the human being exploitation from the system of
slavery until the imperialistic capitalism, is expressed and summarized
perfectly in those "cages of fierce", for human beings of torture and
extermination field of Guantanamo.
The imperialistic murderers, those that collaborate with them and those that
keep silent are already condemned for the humanity that feels, that suffers,
that is tramped and oppressed... and they are condemned by the history.
And what about the Cuban government and the "comandante en jefe"?: "we won't
create obstacles to the development of the operation". Finally they are only
Afghan, Arab and other Muslims "terrorists". And however the "comandante en
jefe" well goes to visit the Fascist military meeting in Algeria. The
reality is that the Cuba and Algeria government, like other many, have
become yank imperialism marionettes.
Not for the revolution has died. The pariahs of the earth have not
surrendered their combat flags and there are proofs of it over the world.
Proletarians of all the countries, unite!
The workers liberation can only be the work of themselves!
January 13th 2002  

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