Dear Friends,

Below is a special issue devoted to the recent events at the fascist
rally in York.

One of our principles is to never permit fascists to get away with
anything. Since they delayed roughly eight issues of the journal we will
respond by publishing eight additional special issues.

This is the fourth.


       The Internet Anti-Fascist: Sunday, 13 January 2002
                       Vol. 6, Number 5 (#640)

01) AP , "Pennsylvania city tense during white supremacy gathering," 12
     Jan 02
02) Baltimore IndyMedia, "Neonazis run out of York: Black bloc and the
     working class (black, white, puerto rican, jewsish, men, women, young
     and old) kick the nazis out of York," 12 Jan 02
03) Rahowaskins, "York Event A 'Fantastic Success,' Hale Says," 13 Jan 02
04) August B. Kreis III (Aryan Nations), "Meeting at York, Pa. Martin
     Library,"   12 Jan 02
05) Bill White (Libertarian Socialist [sic!]), "Rioting In York After
     Rallies Clash: ARA, Anarchists Decimated By Cops, Skinheads Lose Dozens
     Of People," 12 Jan 02
06) via redskins, "Rioting In York After Antifa/Fascist Rallies," 12 Jan 02


01) Pennsylvania city tense during white supremacy gathering
     12 Jan 02

YORK, Pennsylvania -- Several dozen police officers in riot gear kept
demonstrators at bay on Saturday as white supremacists gathered to bring
their message of racial segregation to a city still feeling the lingering
effects of deadly race riots more than 30 years ago.

Only a few white supremacists were on hand by midmorning, with more
expected to arrive for a meeting aimed at recruiting new members and
advocating an end to immigration.

Witnesses reported a clash between the white supremacists and
demonstrators, although police did not confirm it.

Matthew Hale, the leader of the white supremacist group World Church of the
Creator, has organized a meeting Saturday at which he planned to recruit
new members and advocate for an end to immigration.

Representatives of Hale's organization and three other white supremacist
groups -- the National Socialist Movement, the Aryan Nation and the
National Alliance -- were expected to attend.

Hale's scheduled speech has stoked fears of violence and anxiety over
York's ability to withstand such a divisive message.

Two Hale appearances in Illinois in 2000 ended in violence, with people
arrested after each melee. Several anti-racist groups known for provoking
fights with white supremacists were also expected in York on Saturday.

Cathy Ash, the director of the city's human relations commission, thought
it was logical to try to talk Hale out of convening the meeting. She said
she was shocked by the e-mail reply she received earlier this month.

"I won't repeat the words he used about the difficulties in York and whose
fault they were," Ash said.

Hale, in a telephone interview Thursday from his home East Peoria,
Illinois, where his group is based, elaborated on his response to Ash and
his reasons for coming to York.

"I told her that people like her that wish to integrate the country are
trying to destroy the country," he said.

Since police began making arrests over the summer in York's 1969 race
riots, former Mayor Charlie Robertson and eight other white men have been
charged with murdering a black woman visiting from South Carolina. Also,
two black men are charged with murdering a white York policeman.

Hale said he specifically picked York for his appearance because of its
high profile in race relations and because Pennsylvania has been a hotbed
of racial division.

On Friday, the windows of various downtown businesses and offices in York,
a racially mixed town of 41,000 in central Pennsylvania, displayed posters
and banners promoting diversity.

State, city and federal authorities were to provide security Saturday,
including blocking off several streets around the library where Hale is
making his speech. They also planned to frisk for weapons and escort Hale
in and out of the building, police said.

A library conference room was reserved in November by Michael Cook,
director of the World Church's York-area chapter, who told the library that
his "church" would be meeting there, officials said. It was only this month
that library officials found out that this church was actually a white
supremacist group.

Library officials researched the legality of canceling the event and
decided that such an action would not hold up.

That the event was allowed evoked a sense of betrayal from some York
residents and a fear that race relations could suffer.

"We thought it was just a joke at first," said black 12-year-old Na'Kwai
DeShields, waiting in the rain for the library to open Friday. "And we
thought people would try to keep them from coming."

Many residents grudgingly acknowledged Hale's right to express his views.
But others were less accommodating.

"(The library) made the easy choice, but the wrong choice," said the Rev.
David McCullough of the predominantly white Asbury United Methodist church,
near the library. "There's a time to say 'No."'

Mark Potok, who tracks hate groups for the Southern Poverty Law Center,
said such organizations have been cooperating with each other to a greater
degree since September 11, often targeting places like York that are
weathering racial strife.

McCullough said that, while the matter can't be ignored, he expected that
the community would emerge stronger.

"These events bring out the worst in people," he said. "But they also bring
out the best in people."

- - - - -

02) Neonazis run out of York: Black bloc and the working class (black,
        white, puerto rican, jewsish, men, women, young and old) kick the
        nazis out of York
     Baltimore IndyMedia
     12 Jan 02

Anti-racists showed up early morning in York, scouting locations and
smashing all the white supremacist vehicles they could find with small
scuffles with any white supremacists they could find.

The black bloc marched around for awhile, found some hammerskins in a
parking lot and scuffled before the police divided the two groups. Everyone
went around the corner and there the Nazis were held for about 3 hours
during Hale's speech (which people opposed to Hale form York took up much
of the space so that nazis couldn't attend, rumored that it got so crowded
the cops shut the meeting down and pushed everyone back to the street).
People chanted and yelled, and a few people were arrested after some
snowballs were thrown.

When the library emptied out, that's when we saw more National Alliance
people like Bill Roper and Erica Hardwick. All this time the anti-racist
side continues to swell as it is joined by the working class in all the
diversity that is in York: black, white, puerto rican, jewsish, men, women,
young and old.

When the white supremacists tried to leave as the police protected their
exit, local kids led folks through an alley (York is a maze of alleys, they
are everywhere), to confront the nazis. The nazis got beat on for awhile
before the cops were able to come to their defense. They push everyone back
(the bloc is now dissolved throughout the community), and police attacks
and arbitrary arrests of black bloc and York locals continues to piss off
the crowd and build solidarity. A black blocker had her arm broken (or
atleast severly injured) in this confrontation, but the anti-racists dished
out more damage than they took.

At this point everyone is in the parking lot where the Hammerskins
originally carpooled, and the police had abandonded it to protect the
nazis. Many of the vehicles are adorned with confederate and other white
power stickers in their windows, those windows don't last much longer as
the black bloc begins to demolish them. The cops make several charges to
clear the lot to allow nazis to get to their vandalized trucks. Again the
cops continue arbitrary arrests even harassing the medics, which really
turns the crowd against them. Most of the easy exits from the parking lot
are blocked by clumps of protestors. Repeated efforts by the cops to clear
a path through the crowd fail.

Eventually, the police have the nazis trying to escape down an alley. Local
crews lead the black bloc the way through alleys to catch the nazis at the
other end. At one of these alleyways one of the nazis trys to run down the
crowd with his white pickup truck hitting atleast one person (black bloc,
sprained shoulder by He's doing well :), possibly others, including a young
local girl which again really pisses of the locals. The nazi flees back
down the alley toward the parking lot, where the cops sieze his truck.

Now whatever nazis could escape, try to going along different routes and
protesters attack them everywhere they find them, alley to alley, street to
street. Lots of busted windows and bloody nazi faces. In one confrontation
with another white pickup truck with white supremacist stickers, busted out
windows and packed with nazis... after being attacked by a crowd, on of the
nazis waves a gun and the crowd backs down.

Elsewhere nazis are harrassed and chased out of the city. Literally, they
were run out of town.

There were 25 arrests, mostly for disorderly conduct who were all released
by the evening. Two people had bails set at $500, which were paid, and
another has a bail of $25,000 and been charged with "assaulting a police

The best part of it all is that they were run out of town by multi-racial
working class crews spontaneously organized (though using the organized
anarchist/anti-racist action presence as a seed to grow) kicked the nazis
out of town.

- - - - -

03) York Event A "Fantastic Success," Hale Says
     13 Jan 02

Reverend Matt Hale, leader of the White racist and anti-Semitic World
Church of the Creator who spoke in York, Pennsylvania yesterday to seventy
supporters inside Martin Library and with hundreds of supporters outside,
today announced that the event was a "fantastic success" and that he will
be coming back to York "very, very soon". Below is the complete statement
from Reverend Hale:

Our meeting yesterday in York was one of our most successful to date. We
both had a full house as well as hundreds of Brothers and Sisters outside
who stood tall for the Cause and fought with their fists and whatever other
means necessary to fend off the maniacal anti-racist and black savage mobs
that formed. The anti-racists paid dearly for their attacks upon our great
comrades who demonstrated the courage and virility of their ancestors and I
am thus most proud. Hail to all of these comrades!

We have forever stripped away the lie of the controlled mass media that we
are a "fringe" group or that we lack public support. Hardly! We are instead
the rising star of social activists who are determined to liberate our land
from those who have sought to pillage and debase it. We are the rising star
of true Americans who no longer want America to simply be a vassal state of
other lands or a place where anything on two legs can come to and steal
what is rightfully ours. We are on the ascendancy and the "anti-racist"
camp is becoming more and more bankrupt in the eyes of the public as well
as their own supporters. The violence the anti-racists perpetrated against
us yesterday, as well as completely innocent bystanders, has severely hurt
the anti-racist cause.

As a consequence, their numbers will only decrease and ours will only
increase. Already yesterday, our total forces exceeded those of the anti-
racists and one day, before long, our numbers will dwarf theirs.

I wish to specifically at this time extend my continued comradeship to all
of my White Brothers and Sisters who stood together yesterday who
regardless of whatever flag they fly or whatever organization, if any, they
belong to, stood rank and rank together for the truest uniform there is:
their White skin.

Further, tomorrow I will be announcing my return trip to Pennsylvania for
an event that will absolutely captivate people everywhere and will
practically spin the earth off of its axis!

For now, know that I am coming back to Pennsylvania next month to reap
further gains for our great Cause begun yesterday! I will be coming back to
York very, very soon.

For further information, contact Reverend Hale at (309) 694-4444.

- - - - -

04) Meeting at York, Pa. Martin Library
     August B. Kreis III (Aryan Nations)
     12 Jan 02

I am outraged at the way that security was handled by the York police
authorities for the meeting called by Matt Hale Jan 12th at the Martin
Library. I and fellow Aryan Nations members were in attendance at this
meeting. What was York's plan, protect the library at all cost? What
happened to the security of the people attending? Because we were WHITE,
there was none! We stopped at the police department the evening before the
meeting and requested to speak to the person in charge of security for the
following day. After waiting 40 minutes or so and speaking to someone to
notify the "authorities" we were willing to fully cooperate with their
security plan we realized that these people had no idea of what they were
doing, or did they? Now I read that a young man was attacked in his car, AS
WERE WE (vehicle damaged and windows smashed out), frightened because his
windows were smashed and he had been pepper sprayed by the MOB who were
preparing to drag him from his pickup truck. In turn he hit the gas pedal
and ran over a few of them.

You can be assured that if I were driving I would have left bloodied bodies
MAN'S BEHALF! We too found ourselves cornered and being surrounded by a mob
of  communist muds and came very close to using our vehicle as a battering
ram to get through a police squad car barricade used to close off the
street. This entire situation could have been handled MUCH differently IF
York was concerned for the safety of the White public.

It became very apparent that the police were were instructed to control the
law abiding instead of the roving bans of savage negro beasts and their
ilk. We endured forced disarming, being provoked while anyone defending
themselves would be arrested. We will not tolerate this, we will defend
ourselves. We did not plan this meeting nor the security of it. For future
events we shall plan our own security. The police did not arrest rioters,
or those violators concealing their identity, or derelicts openly wielding
weapons, none of them were arrested. However they forced us to break up
outside of the barricades and go our own way through the mobs to reach our
vehicles, we suffered no causalities.  Being white is mind as well as race,
only one cop escorted several individuals to their vehicles while the rest
would not. Any white, whether police officer or not, that either overtly or
covertly causes us harm or intends to cause us harm is also an enemy of the
White Race. They should be dealt with as one deals with a SAVAGE NEGRO
BEAST or any enemy of the White Race.

I believe that all the Pro-White organizations that attended this meeting
will have to call future meetings at York's Martin Library until the city
gets it right! This is a suggestion I am making to all that attended this
fiasco!  We can NOT allow ANYTHING like this to ever transpire again
without leaving DEAD bodies of the enemy scattered EVERYWHERE! I left York
a changed man no longer caring for ANYTHING non-white, they are nothing but
SCUM! If our race does not wake up and fight back as a whole there will be
no future for the White Race in this country or anywhere!

* * * * *

Pastor August B. Kreis III is the Aryan Nations Minister of Information &

- - -

05) Rioting In York After Rallies Clash: ARA, Anarchists Decimated By
        Cops, Skinheads Lose Dozens Of People
     Bill White (Libertarian Socialist [sic!])
     12 Jan 02

[Within the anarchist and left-libertarian movements, White is widely
regarded as one of the more dishonest forces attracted to the fascist
movement. WHite's story is featured on the Aryan Nations web site. --

York, PA--  I just got back from York, and here's the bottom line: Between
one quarter and one half of the anarchist black block forces who attempted
to challenge the National Alliance, World Church of the Creator and
Hammerskins were either arrested, beaten, shot at, or run over by a truck
after launching several failed attacks on the white supremacist group. Less
than a dozen Nazis were injured or arrested. Approxaimtely 250 combined
white supremacists, approximately 100 anti-racist anarchists, and
approximately 300 mostly black York residents were involved in the
Those of you who have never seen a truck hit a wall of people at forty or
fifty miles an hour could've seen it in York today, because one Hammerskin,
after being surrounded by an angry mob who was breaking his windows and
trying to pull him for his pickup panicked, hit the accelerator, and wiped
ARA out. Literally dozens of ARA people were injured most of them were
either arrested or limped away refusing medical treatment. The driver was
arrested and may be charged with aggravated assault with a vehicle if he
is, I will testify in his defense.

According to police, National Alliance/Hammerskin/WCOTC members used
firearms to defend themselves against ARA on at least three occassions.
Shots were reportedly fired in at least one instance. In two of the
incidents people were arrested and then released, as the weapons were
legally and used legally in self-defense.

Police stated 25 ARA activists were arrested. 1 who run over by the truck
was hospitalized with serious injuries. I would estimate about 1/3 of those
who got away were injured, about 1/3 roamed the town nearly successfully
starting a race riot, and about 1/3 left.

Now, let me give you the whole story in chrnological order.

I woke up at 6:00 AM this morning. I was supposed to be accompanied by two
LSN reporters, neither of whom called me the morning, one of whom left me a
message last night at 11:00 PM. Note to this person: You cannot pull out of
something like this 7 hours beforehand when other people are counting on
you. I am dissappointed.

I arrived in York about 8:45. I got to the library area just after 9:00.
The police there were clueless. I kept asking about media and public access
tot he event, and they told me none of their commanders would be there
until 10:00.

About 9:50 the violence started. The anarchist black block ws romaing the
streets assaulting people they thought looked "too white". Really, they
were a racist anti-white mob consisting almost entirely of white kids and
Jews. According to the police briefing and other journalists I spoke to,
they assaulted several civilian white people not involved in the
demonstrations and at least one journalist. The first incident of violence
I witnessed was when they attacked a truck with two NA organizers and broke
out its windows.

After some confusion I got a press pass. Daryle Jenkins, who created a
phony press pass with the name of a newspaper in Ohio that doesn't exist,
got in no problem. I had an argument over my credentials. Eventually I got
in. Daryle spent quite a bit of time behind the lines phoning people in the
protest telling them what the police were planning to do with Hale and
others. I talked to the other reporters and discoverd that Jenkins had
called all the local newspapers beforehand and told them I was a racist
neo-Nazi organizer of the event. At least one reporter told me he had
"seemed weird" on the phone, and I think there were only about two
reporters who bought it one who asked me if I was an organizer of the
event, which I wasn't, and another who kept giving me weird looks.

The first interesting thing of the day came when about 150 members of the
Hammerskin Nation, with about a dozen Aryan Nations organizers in the lead,
turned a corner and came marching around waving giant swastika flags. About
50 more joined them a few moments later. The media pool area was awful we
couldn't see anything but we had seen the Black Block running to and then
from that area moments before. The police had to deploy all their on site
troopers and all their reserve squadrons to keep the two groups apart.

Then the National Alliance came up with about 50 more peple from another
direction making it about 250 right wing people in all. The black block had
about 100 people in it, and it appeared that a lot of the other socialist
groups simply didn't come. I heard the JDL sent out two people.

It was peaceful and quiet and boring for about an hour, so I decided to
turn my media badge in, walk around, and start talking to people. I walked
over to where the NA was and was surprised to see Billy Roper standing
there, on the phone with Matt Hale, wondering why he can't get in to speak.

It turns out that the police, who has set up a secret meeting place with
Roper and the NA and promised them a secure entrance to the area, had
abandoned them at the last minute and forced them to find their own way
there. This may have been miscommunication, because none of the law
enforcement agencies there seemed to know what the others were doing. In
the morning, for instance, an infantry unit in camofaluage carrying H&K
MP3s, shotguns and sniper rifles, had deployed in two of the buildings. At
the end of the day, the police officials had difficulty telling me who the
guys were and whether they had actually been carrying submachineguns and

So anyways I say to Roper "you know there's a hundred and fifty people
around the corner from the Hammerskins and Aryan Nations." And he goes "No
I didn't know they were here." So he then orders his people to march around
the corner to where the Hammerskins / Aryan Nations are. This of course was
the act that led to almost all of the arrests and violence. All of you can
thank me for that I guess (though that certainly wasn't the intent.)

Roper and his crew march through this alley to the other demonstration.
This immediately sets the anti-racists, who have by now been supplemented
by about 300 members of that impoverished black residential area I
mentioned, into a flurry, and they attempt to attack Roper. The police,
being dumb, do not allow Roper's people to walk into the area they have
already secured for the hammerskins. This means that the police now have to
secure a front that is twice as long, and they have to secure a back
alleyway. No surprise that that anti-racist crowd, seeing the police do not
have enough officers on scene to do this, surges and begins throwing rocks,
bricks and snowballs. Several black fellows also attack the NA from the
alley behind, though the NA beats them off. At this point at least one ARA
guy was arrested. I am told that a few had already been arrested earlier
that morning, but this was the first arrest I was in a vantage point to

Eventually the police realize that is they just let the NA walk over to and
hang out with the Hammerskins, they can secure them, and they do so, and
they secure them, and everything is quiet for another hour.  Then the NA
tries to leave and the violence starts. The two Hammerskins who skipped out
early and got their truck were smart.

All of the Nazis are now instructed to leave through this alleyway. The
police deploy two mounted officers and one foot officers to secure this
against a mob of about 250 people who follow. Not surprisingly, the mob
simply runs through the holes in the police defense and attacks the NA-
WCOTC-HS with clubs. The skinheads respond by taking the clubs from the ARA
starting to beat the shit out of them. I saw at least one ARA activist
surrounded by skinheads wielding the pole of his own black and red flag
getting the crap kicked out of him. Several of the skinheads get bloody
noses or otherwise bloodied from the initial ambush attack, but they
quickly seem to master the situation (though the fact that a police charge
dispersed most of the non-trapped behind skinhead lines ARA activists may
have played a role.) I am told several individuals
were arrested at this point.

The Hammerskins then go to their cars. If they had read this news service,
they would have known not to have parked in the parking lot behind the ARA
rally. Not being LSN readers, they didn't know this, and as they start to
pack up they notice that the ARA activists are breaking all of the windows
out of one of their trucks. A fight then ensues between baton wielding
Hammerskins, baton wielding police officers, and baton wielding anarchists.
Two Hammerskins are detained at this point, but I saw at least one of them
released. I think another may have been arrested. I will state for the
record that none of the Hammerskins attacked the police, but several struck
back in self-defense after the police struck them with batons. The
anarchists mostly fleed at this point.

Then comes a period of uneasy calm as about 70 Hammerskins and NA people
(the rest dispersed through side streets) are surrounded in this parking
lot by about 60 remaining ARA activists and about 300 mostly black local
residents. Those of you who remember that scene from Zulu will know what I
mean when I say I felt like singing "Men of Harlech on to glory ..." I
almost did, but then I realized I would probably lose my neutral status as
a member of the press.

Eventually, the police screw up again. They tell the Hammerskins to drive
out fo the parking lot though the alley they came in. No surprise when the
Hammerskins come around the corner and there is a mob of ARA guys attacking
them. The police tell this guy to drive his truck forward behind a
Sherrif's car. The Sherriff's car goes forward through the crowd, and then
he goes forward, and ARA pounces on him. They jump on his truck and begin
hitting it with clubs. They then take his flagpoles out of his truck bed
and begin to try to break his windows. Then they grab him and try to drag
him out of the truck.

The guy does about the only thing he can to save his life and I do believe
his life was in danger. He panics, hits the gas, the wheels spin, and he
rockets forward, sending ARA activists literally flying through the air.
One guy who was on top of his cab appeared to have landed on the other side
of a fence.

The police then charge, and the show is over for ARA. More than a dozen ARA
guys are arrested (as is the guy driving the truck). How many people were
hurt, I don't know. Only one person, an ARA guy who wa not arrested, was
hospitalized. One of the black residents and several of the loudest black
residents were obviously intoxicated begins yelling that he has run over a
little black girl. This later turns out not to be true. No matter. Race
riots begin.

The police eventually get control of the situation, get the NA and
Hammerskin people to their car, and give them directions North out of the
city to avoid the black and ARA mobs which are now inciting passerbys on
the street and growing on several street corners.  Several of the
NA/Hammerskins who didn't get the word drive South. I did not witness any
of these incidents, but I spoke to reporters who did, and these were alter
confirmed by the police.

ARA attacked cars with skinheads in them in at least three places. In all
three places the skinheads in the car drew handguns and threatened the
crowd with them. In at least one case shots were fired (a reporter told me
he heard a "pop pop pop" sound, saw smoke, and saw people go running
screaming "shots fired" that sounds like "shots fired" to me, though the
police later said they could not confirm the incident). In all three
instances, the NA members successfully defended themselves, and the mobs
went looking for easier targets. According to police, in two instances, the
skinheads involved were detained and then released after they produced
legal carry permits (didn't I tell you?).

Phalaznes of twenty to fifty police officers then began to march through
the city dispersing crowds of mostly black local youth. In one instance, I
saw a crowd of black youth surround a city bus which three skinheads were
riding in, and the police escorted those skinheads out. The black residents
seemed much less willing to use violence than ARA, though I did see one
instance where one of the formally mentioned possibly intoxicated black
youth was arrested after apparently punching a police horse.

I arrived at the press center just after 3:00, and I was told that the
press conference was delayed until 4:30 while the police suppressed the
remaining disorder. At 4:20 the conference began.

So that was my day. Wow. Let me sum this up this way: if ARA has two more
events like this, so many of their activists will be arrested or in jail
that there will no anarchists left free from the Ohio River Valley to

And let me also say that I really felt bad for a lot of the skinheads. None
of them appeared to have expected this kind of violent attack on them, and
I don't think they knew how to react. I would suggest that the National
Alliance or the Hammerskin Nation begin drilling their people in how to
respond in a civil disturbance starting with the basic instruction to NOT
BREAK RANKS when charging either a police line or a mob. The skinheads
fought back best when they were attacked in an enclosed space while
marching in formation. They fought worse when they attacked without clear
leadership in a dispersed fashion an in anger when they saw their truck

As to ARA, I'm starting to think ARA and the black block are hopeless. They
are mindlessly violent. Several of the reporters there said they had such a
low opinion of ARA that their only thought was how to slam this kind of
"anti- racism" and get it approved by the editor. Several white reporters
privately told me that they felt the white supremacists had treated them
well, that they had been disrespected by the ARA, and that after seeing how
the ARA behaved they thought the statements made by Matt Hale against
blacks and Jews (broadcast to the press by a live feed through a monitor in
the media pit) were partially justified.

All of that is a bit scary, but it is showing that things are changing. The
anti-racist activists in York were badly outnumbered, and were lucky that
so many of the city's black residents were willing to join them, or the
heavy losses taken by ARA would've been much heavier. The Nazis came out
stronger than I though they would, leaving over 150 people in the street
even after 80 of them had filled up the library.

It looked liked a Nazi march in Germany not a "neo-Nazi march", but one of
those old Nazi marches with swastikas and everything -- except the

I guess all of that falls into the thing about "discipline."

- - - - -

06) Rioting In York After Antifa/Fascist Rallies
     via redskins
     12 Jan 02

Spoke wit [deleted] on the ground. Seems the fash report is not true as to
those hurt by the truck. As a metter of fact, what is only true of the fash
report is that there where riots by the community, specially blacks and
latinos (mainly ricans), and that there where fash arrested for firearm

All in all, it seems this is the lowdown:

1) The community response from the black and latinos overwhelming. 500+.
The black bloc consisted of about 100. 50 or so from Baltimore, 50 or so
from Philly, plus assorted folks from all over the east coast. Redskins
from boston, new york and new jersey where present. It was well run black
front, no security breaches on the key collectives.

2) Intelligence before the activity was very good. A large percentage of
the fash cars were destroyed or badly mangleled. Meeting points where know
to key people way before.

3) All in all it seems it was a cop riot, and the actual anti-fash work was
of a quality unknown in the east coast for a while. It was buffalo-style
hit-and-run urban guerilla, under the cover of the race riot.

4) AFA had jackshit to do with it.

                               * * * * *

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