From: "mart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 10:22:53 -0500

Subject: ILWU and unions worldwide: 'Release Jailed Korean Leaders!"

San Francisco (Local 10) ILWU joins worldwide
support movement to demand release of jailed
Korean union activists

AFL-CIO delegation called on the Korean embassy
and delivered  a protest letter from President John Sweeney.

The IMF affiliate UAW sent a protest letter to Kim Dae-jung.
In San Francisco, a labor / community delegation held a
protest action at the Korean  consulate delivered a protest
letters addressed to President Kim Dae  Jung.

The ILWU Local 10 in San Francisco has adopted a resolution
of solidarity with the jailed Korean trade unionists and will be
seeking support  from the ILWU Coast Caucus of all
longshoremen  on the West Coast.

See below the messages of support for our Korean union
brothers and sisters from the AFL-CIO and the ILWU and
from others unions and  labour organizations, worldewide.
Truly, an injury to one is an injury to all and what happens
there, could happen here!

In great solidarity with our Korean Brothers
and Sisters, and working people and unionists
in all countries.


----- Original Message -----
From: mart-remote 
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2002 9:05 AM
Subject: Fwd: Fw: World Unions: 'Release Jailed Korean Leaders'

From: "ICARUS" 
To: "MART" 
Subject: Fw: World Unions: 'Release Jailed Korean Leaders'
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 01:45:17 -0600
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 9:28 AM
Subject: World Unions: 'Release Jailed Korean Leaders'

Unions throughout the World Call for the
Release of Imprisoned Trade Unionists in Korea

January 22, 2002

Trade unions and workers in over 30 countries converged on
the Korean embassies and consulates in their respective countries
to denounce the imprisonement trade unionists in Korea, to tell the
Nobel Laureate President Kim Dae Jung "Shame on you!", and demanded
the immediate release of KCTU president Dan Byung-ho, KCTU-KMWF
President Mun Sung-hyun, and all imprisoned trade unionists.

Unionists in Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bangladesh organised protest

Hong Kong: 
Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU)
organised a protest demonstration at the Consulate General of
the Republic of Korea and delivered a protest letter to Kim Dae-jung
asking the Korean Government to  Release All Korean Unionists.

South Africa: 
The metalworkers' union NUMSA organised a protest
in which  more than 500 participated. Click here to read more about
their action.

Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) and the All India Trade
Union Congress (AITUC) sent a joint letter of protest to the
Korean president. Dozens of protests were organised in different
parts of the country, amongst others in Bombay, New Delhi,
Calcutta and Bangalore.

The Pakistan Metalworkers' Federation and Automobile,
Engineering and Metalworkers' Federation handed over a
protest letter to the consulate in Karachi.

About 70 trade unionists from the four IMF-MC affiliates
held a one-and-a-half-hour picket outside the South Korean
Embassy in  Kuala Lumpur.

About 1,000 trade unionists took part in a demonstration.
Philippines: The IMF-PC handed over a protest letter.

In Brazil, CUT, together with its (and the IMF's) metal
industry  affiliates also joined in the international day of

Japan Trade Union Confederation (JTUC) delivered a protest
letter to  the Korean embassy in Tokyo as a part of the
international day of  action for the release of imprisoned trade
unionists in Korea. A  delegation of the IMF-JC handed over a
protest letter to the South  Korean Embassy. Members of the
All-Japan Railway Workers Union,  Hokkaido Passenger Railway
Workers Union, East Japan Passenger  Railway Workers Union,
JR East Sea Workers Union, JR West Japan  Workers Union,
JR Kushu Workers Union, JR Freight Workers Union, JR  East
Japan Workers Union Federation delivered a joint protest letter to
the Korean embassy in Tokyo. Members of Japan Trade Union
Council (Zenokyo) and the AWC also held protest action at the
Korean embassy  and consulate in Tokyo and Osaka.

AMWF, CPSU, and other unions (affiliated to the IMF, PSI,
ICEM,  and IUF), and Korean community organisations
organised a protest action at  the Korean Consulate in Sydney.
In workshops and public places,  the AMWU has put up 10,000
posters calling for the release of Dan and Mun.

New Zealand: 
A delegation of members from New Zealand Council of Trade
Unions (NZCTU), Service and Food Workers Union, Finsec
(Finance  Sector), the Manufactuirng and Construction Union,
Youth Union  Movement, the Auckland womens committee of
the NZCTU and Asia  Pacific Workers Solidarity Links called
on the Korean Consulate in  Auckland to present a protest
letter demanding the release of the  trade unionist in South

The Birlesik Metal-Is union handed over a protest letter for
President Kim Dae-jung to the Korean Embassy in Ankara
and made a statement for the press.

Presidium of the Narional Commission of NSZZ Solidarnosc
adopted  statement on violation of trade union rights in Korea
and sent to the  Embassy of Republic of Korea in Warsaw. It
also held media activity as a  part of the International Action
Day calling for release of  imprisoned trade union leaders in
South Korea.

Five IMF affiliates organised a joint protest action in front
of the Korean Embassy. Many hundreds of people showed

All 7 IMF affiliates jointly handed over a protest letter to
Korean Embassy official and informed the press.

IMF affiliates sent a letter to the Korean ambassador in

The IMF affiliate took a protest letter to the Korean Embassy.
Bulgaria: The National Federation of Metallurgy held a press
conference in order to inform about the situation of trade unionists
in Korea.

The ICU called for "the release of all trade union leaders from

The Amalgamated Union of Kenya Metalworkers and
the Kenya Engineering Union handed over a protest
letter to the South Korean ambassador in Nairobi.

LO-Norway organised a protest demonstration at the
Korean embassy in Oslo. Representatives of several
local unions, coordinated  by the LO-Oslo took part in
the rally. A delegation called on the  embassy to deliver
a protest letter from LO's president Ms. Gerd Liv  Valla.
President Bjorndalen of Fellesforbundet the LO's and IMF's
metal industry affiliate also presented a protest letter to a
Korean government representative.

The Dutch Confederation of Trade Unions (FNV) sent
a protest  letter to the Korean President Kim Dae
Jung. On the day of  international day of action, FNV
president Lodewijk de Waal and Annie  van Wezel,
policy officer for Asia of the FNV attended the  Annual
Ambassadors Conference, where all Dutch ambassadors
abroad participate, to convey the concern about the
violations of  trade union rights in Korea.

The General Secretary of Cisl Savino Pezzotta issued a
press release stressing the need for Korean government
to fully respect core labour  standards to which Korea had
committed in the international institutions  such as the ILO
and the OECD.

LO-Denmark issued a letter of protest while the IMF affiliate
CO-Industri posted an "open" letter to the Korean Embassy
in Copenhagen.

Metall and SIF handed over protest letters.

GMBE sent a protest letter.

A delegation from the International Metalworkers'
Federation met the labour attache at the Korean
Mission in Geneva and presented a protest letter.

A delegation of the Workers Party in France handed
a protest letter to the Korean embassy in Paris.

IG Metall sent an open letter to Kim Dae-jung asking
for the immediate release of imprisoned trade unionists.

United Kingdom: The AEEU sent a letter of protest to
Kim Dae-jung.

USA: AFL-CIO delegation called on the Korean embassy
and delivered  a protest letter from President John Sweeney.
The IMF affiliate UAW sent a protest letter to Kim Dae-jung.
In San Francisco, a labor / community delegation held a
protest action at the Korean  consulate delivered a protest
letters addressed to President Kim Dae  Jung. The ILWU
Local 10 in San Francisco has adopted a resolution  of
solidarity with the jailed Korean trade unionists and will be
seeking support  from the ILWU Coast Caucus of all
longshoremen  on the West Coast.

Unions and workers across the world took common action
in response to the  appeal of the Korean Confederation of
Trade Unions (KCTU) and its metal  industry affiliate Korean
Metal Workers Federation (KCTU-KMWF), through the
active coordination of the International Metalworkers Federation

The KCTU, in its appeal, called on all friends to "take action
so that trade unionists in jail in Korea can be with their family
and fellow workers in the new year. February 12 is new year's
day by the Lunar Calendar. In Korea, it is a day when families
gather together to reflect on the past year, give thanks to
ancestors, and celebrate.

Our hope is that all the imprisoned workers, including the
KCTU President Dan Byung-ho and KCTU-KMWF President
Mun Sung-hyun, are released, to join their loved ones."

In response, unions and workers in South and North, East
and West  either held demonstrations in front of the Korean
embassies or consulates or delivered special letter of protest
to the Korean government.

In India, workers and union held rallies in 8 cities/states,
while five national centres, Centre of Indian Trade Unions
(CITU), All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC), Hind
Mazdoor Sabha (HMS), United Trade Union Congress
(UTUC), Trade Union Co-ordination Centre (TUCC)
issued a joint letter of protest to the Korean government.

The ICFTU General secretary, in an official ICFTU press
release explained,  "this international show of solidarity
will send a strong message to  the South Korean government
and the international community, that  the unlawful detention
of trade unionists is unacceptable and will not  go unnoticed.
Kim Dae-jung cannot go on using his Nobel prize as a cloak
to cover the truth. Violations of trade unions freedoms are
increasingly visible, and will no longer be tolerated anywhere
in the world."

In calling on the IMF affiliates to take part in the international
day of action, the IMF General Secretary, Marcello
Malentacchi, expressed a  hope that "all trade unionists [are
released from] jail and the  country return to democracy before
the World Cup takes place". He urged, "the upcoming World
Cup football championship, to be co-hosted  by South Korea,
is not just about enjoying one of the world's  favourite passtimes
but offers the possibility to put pressure on  this Asian nation
with regard to its poor record on trade union rights."

He went on to suggest an action plan: "I belive this is a
great opportunity to put the Korean government and its
president on the spot." The IMF general secretary went
on to remind workers and football fans everywhere that
"workers in South Korea are not enjoying such of this
wonderful entertainment, especially those who are still
in jail because they are trade union activists and militant
trade union leeaders.

Trade Union Advisory Committee at the OECD, which
brings together the unions in OECD member countries,
to intercede in the work of OECD on the concerns of
workers and the trade union movement, is coordinating
efforts of member national centres in advance of the
ELSAC meeting in April to meet governments to step
up the OECD peer  group pressure on the issue of
imprisonment of trade unionists in Korea. Connected
this, the TUC and other affiliates have began lobbying
their respective governments to act within the OECD

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