On Tuesday 13 March 2007 19:12, Michaël Larouche wrote:
> Le March 13, 2007 19:19, Matt Rogers a écrit :
> > On Tuesday 13 March 2007 17:51, Martijn Klingens wrote:
> > > On Tuesday 13 March 2007, Michaël Larouche wrote:
> > > > I think this is time we schedule a realistic roadmap for Kopete 1.0
> > > >
> > > > I have written a small list of things that I think shall be done at
> > > > least for Kopete 1.0. This is just a proposal and I'm asking your
> > > > input on this matter :)
> > > >
> > > > Of course, this means a lot of work ahead for us and our manpower is
> > > > limited and our current manpower has limited time
> > >
> > > Without having seen Kopete/4 in action, which of this is currently
> > > non-functional and thus a must-have, and which is not essential for
> > > having a working Kopete in trunk?
> Most component are a bit working but need much bug fixing. Like the chat
> window which work but need to be fixed, also the system tray menu.
> Same for contact list view, which is missing some eye-candy.
> > > I would propose to do only some of these at a time, or in branches, and
> > > postpone to KDE 4.1 whatever cannot be done in time and is not
> > > essential.
> > >
> > > I would say that the model/view part is the most urgent refactor (but
> > > strictly speaking not required, right?)
> >
> > yes and yes.
> Indeed
> > > Akonadi might not make KDE 4.0 in time so it should be optional if done
> > > at all for 4.0.
> The basic design of new contact list architecture allow multiple backend so
> switching to Akonadi for storage can be done later
> > > The Status Message part is the one that is annoying, but is rather easy
> > > to postpone to 4.1.
> >
> > Actually, I would lump the status message stuff in with the usability
> > stuff. It's that important.
> >
> > > Will Telepathy/Decibel be ready for KDE 4.0? Otherwise it should be
> > > optional or postponed to 4.1.
> > >
> > > Guest mode is IMO the least important
> >
> > Guest mode should be so far down the ladder in terms of importance that
> > it should be like a 4.2 thing.
> IMO it can be done in 4.1 timeframe

Just because it can be done does not mean that it should be done. There is a 
difference. And considering our current laundry list of problems and the 
available manpower, I'd rather postpone this as long as possible.

> > > Usability would be nice because it can give KDE 4.0's Kopete better
> > > reviews, and 4.0 might get more attention than 4.1 and later.
> >
> > Usability is muy importante. (very important)
> >
> > > Strigi is very welcome for 4.0 too.
> > >
> > > So, my ordered list:
> > > - model/view
> > > - strigi
> > > - usability
> > > - akonadi
> > > - decibel
> > > - status message
> > > - guest mode
> > >
> > > thoughts?
> >
> > Nobody mentioned the protocols. Kopete does not exist w/o them and right
> > now they're crappy times 10. So my ordered list would be:
> >
> > - better protocol support across the board
> > - model/view
> > - usability (including status message)
> > - akonadi/decibel (both the same "priority" IMHO)
> > - bugfixing
> > - whatever else we can possibly think of
> > - guest mode
> >
> > Thanks
> Yes, I implied protocol support of course, which Kopete cannot live.
> Telepathy plugin gives us access to SIP and Jingle via telepathy-gabble
> connection manager. If we decide to focus on protocol support when I should
> start to work harder on Messenger plugin to get it done for 4.0
> Thus I agree with Matt ordered list.
> We shall make that roadmap of KDE TechBase.

Awesome. Let's start using TechBase for anything development related that it 
would be good to have a wiki for. 

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