Le March 13, 2007 20:45, Matt Rogers a écrit :
> On Tuesday 13 March 2007 19:42, Michaël Larouche wrote:
> > Le March 13, 2007 20:18, Matt Rogers a écrit :
> > > Awesome. Let's start using TechBase for anything development related
> > > that it would be good to have a wiki for.
> >
> > I said that because TechBase is really used for these kinds of details.
> >
> > like all the projects here :
> > http://techbase.kde.org/Projects
> Indeed. Who wants to set up our project space? Will you do it, or do you
> want me to?

Done: http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Kopete/Roadmap
Michaël Larouche
KDE developer working on Kopete, Gamefu(KDE), Solid...on dial-up :P
Website: http://www.tehbisnatch.org/
IRC: irc.freenode.org/DarkShock
Jabber/email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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