At MsnMessenger, there's hotkeys also for download or rejection... it
would be nice if kopete do it too.
Also, would the icon be file extension relative (I know it can't check
the content...)? Or it's just a question mark when prompting user?

2008/8/15 Roman Jarosz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi
> I've removed the ugly dialog which is shown when we got file transfer
> request and moved it into the chat window.
> It's based on Adium chat style (FileTransferRequest.html) although to make
> it more user friendly I had to add four new keywords %fileSize%,
> %saveFileHandlerId%, %saveFileAsHandlerId%, %cancelRequestHandlerId%.
> The three id keywords are used to disable buttons after file transfer
> is accepted or rejected.
> If current style doesn't have FileTransferRequest.html Kopete creates
> default one based on current chat style.
> Here are screenshots:
> Any comments or suggestions?
> Regards,
> Roman
> PS. Currently there is a bug in khtml which paints disabled buttons as active.
> I've already reported this bug. Also there was a bug which has sent click 
> events
> even if the button was disabled this bug is already fixed since revision 
> 846734.
> Oh and also button accelerators don't work yet also reported to khtml guys.
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