On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 03:15:28 +0200, Matt Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Aug 15, 2008, at 4:53 PM, Roman Jarosz wrote:
>> Hi
>> I've removed the ugly dialog which is shown when we got file transfer
>> request and moved it into the chat window.
>> It's based on Adium chat style (FileTransferRequest.html) although to  
>> make
>> it more user friendly I had to add four new keywords %fileSize%,
>> %saveFileHandlerId%, %saveFileAsHandlerId%, %cancelRequestHandlerId%.
>> The three id keywords are used to disable buttons after file transfer
>> is accepted or rejected.
>> If current style doesn't have FileTransferRequest.html Kopete creates
>> default one based on current chat style.
>> Here are screenshots:
>> http://kedge.wz.cz/kopete/kopeteft1.png
>> http://kedge.wz.cz/kopete/kopeteft2.png
>> http://kedge.wz.cz/kopete/kopeteft3.png
>> Any comments or suggestions?
>> Regards,
>> Roman
>> PS. Currently there is a bug in khtml which paints disabled buttons as  
>> active.
>> I've already reported this bug. Also there was a bug which has sent  
>> click events
>> even if the button was disabled this bug is already fixed since  
>> revision 846734.
>> Oh and also button accelerators don't work yet also reported to khtml  
>> guys.
> Do they have to be buttons by default? I think it might look nicer to  
> make them links instead.

The default Adium template and specs use buttons, but it will work with links 
I just have to add a code which will hide the links when the file transfer
request is accepted because IIRC the links can't be disabled.

But I'm not sure if links can have accelerators.

> Other than that little possibility, it looks great!

Thanks :)

> --
> Matt
PS. Sending it again because I didn't send it to kopete list

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