On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 12:00 AM, Pali Rohár <pali.ro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> .. I do not know if these messages should be
> > > logged or not.
> >
> > I think these messages (user joined, left) should be logged. They can
> > provide
> > context when someone is reviewing the history later.
> >
> https://github.com/josh-wambua/kopete/blob/proposal/proposal.md
> I looked at updated info in git and I'm still not happy with it...
> First storage structure does not allow to save any (relevant/useful)
> information about messages what Kopete::Message class supports
> http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdenetwork-apidocs/kopete/libkopete/html/classKopete_1_1Message.html
I updated the page to add some relevant message information.

> And second I still do not see how you want to handle multi user chats
> correctly. You are adding session to chat message, but
> Kopete::ChatSession is not useful here. It is destroyed if you close
> chat window, but some multi user chats are still active (e.g. in skype)
> even if you close chat window. Something similar will be in IRC plugin
> too (I believe).

I am in communication with Kaushik about that, so we can see how best to
handle multi user chats.

> Also I do not know where or how will be stored something like jabber
> resource name...
> As I told at the beginning of GSoC, rewriting history plugin is not easy
> and new plugin should have fixed all design problems of previous
> implementations. And first I want to see working storage format...
> --
> Pali Rohár
> pali.ro...@gmail.com
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