On 12/15/06, Lan Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Fri, December 15, 2006 12:13 pm, Robert Donovan wrote:
> On 12/12/06, Lan Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a piece on this which I will try to find, called, The Conscience
> a
> Corporate Mercenary,

... is there such a thing?

>which tells the goals and ambitions from the point of
> view of an ambitious employee in harsh cynical language. Most CEOs and
> people looking to outsource to India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and the like
> would do very well to read it. I contains such thoughts as "I am looking
> to
> score and move on to the next project," and "I have my own health care
> retirement plans, and they don't include working for you for the next
> 20-30
> years," or my favorite "I am not a company man. I am only interested in
> the
> 'company vision' to extend it results in my getting paid more."

But ... you're describing my ethos. And that of everyone who's not fool
enough to give one-way loyalty.

Mine too, but that's precisely my point. I am not at all surprised that U.S.
companies have trouble keeping highly skilled third-world employees. It
seems that many large corporations have the idea that people in third world
countries ARE interested in the company vision beyond the extent it results
in getting paid more. To proceed as most U.S. corporations have with
outsourcing to low-wage countries assumes either that people in the third
world won't seek the highest possible wage for their work just like anyone
else. A U.S. business may pay these folks three times the going wage
in-country, but those Pakistani and Indian programmers can certainly figure
out that their current employer's competition may just be willing to pay
them more if they have expeience, skills, or figure out a way to do
something better. So they employ the obvious strategy of getting hired at
the lower wage jobs, get experience, and take that experience to get a
better job. I'm betting that foreign companies in these places have an even
harder time enforcing non-disclosure/non-compete agreements that we do in
the U.S.



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