On Fri, 23 May 2008, Andrew Lentvorski wrote:
There are lots of reasons why systems like Active SPAM Killer (http://a-s-k.sourceforge.net/) are a bad idea, but here are the big two and one you can disregard:
I think you can disregard all 3 reasons however under restrictions, because it can work for me, doesnt mean itll work for everyone in the world, consider winhozed it works for some.

1) If you have sender and receiver behind this kind system, no mail will ever get through (both sides wind up waiting for the response to the authentication email). This is the most compelling argument. Of course, some of us consider this to be a bonus.
thats not how a good one works, I send an email to you, your email is stuck in my aprove this guy for a while list, your authenticate me email wont be missed.

2) This is a variant of the "backscatter spam" problem. The problem occurs when you get forged return addresses. Since you can't count on the return address, these systems can be used to DDoS an intermediate party. This is the same reason why sanely configured mail systems no longer send "Unable to deliver" messages in return.
a good setup should do some minor stuff to verify the email seems reasonable, and does not send a zillion authenticate emails out, restrictions are placed on the domain and account level, and a new one to any domain should not be sent out while a number are pending. a poorly setup system is not a reason to ignore the system, remember linux wasnt a great OS once upon a time...

3) I, personally, will blackhole any challenge/response mail domain the moment I find out about it as it is a disaster waiting to happen. Of course, I normally don't have to anymore as the challenge email is almost universally caught by spam filters nowadays and thrown out. Spammers were way ahead of the curve in making their spam look like a challenge email in order to get through filters so most filters now dump them into the trash.
then while I will see your email, and the "catchall" account at "business A" will see your email the accountant at "business A" won't. im sure you will be missed :D but again you would have to be sending an email to "her" without her knowing and you would have to not authenticate yourself. and because its a good setup unless it has something horribly bad in it the catchall address will get your email, in which a lesser paid receptionist can either add you or pass it along to her and because she can add you to the accepted list you might not ever know she has email filtering on.

Richard Reynolds


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