Chris Grau([EMAIL PROTECTED])@Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 08:35:17AM
> Aside from that, I found the most interesting bit of the article
to be                                                                           
> the incidental discussion of gNewSense[0].                                    
>     On investigating gNewSense further, I see that it's a
completely new                                                                  
>     Linux distribution, because popular distributions like Ubuntu
>     Fedora are happy to include proprietary software.                         
> ... according to the gNewSense wiki[2],                                       
>     gNewSense is a GNU/Linux project that aims to remove all the              
>     non-free software from Ubuntu and Debian to make a 100% Free              
>     Software distribution.                                                    
> So what's to stop people from adding proprietary Debian or Ubuntu             
> packages?  Okay, obviously that completely misses the point.
Anyone who                                                                      
> went to the trouble to install and use gNewSense is not likely to
> any desire to use proprietary software in the first place.                    
I've seen a package in the Debian repository called "vrms". It's a              
"Virtual Richard M. Stallman" which whines at you if/when you                   
install anything that RMS would not approve of.  If excluding                   
non-free software is the only differentiating characteristic,  I                
don't see where gNewSense would be worthy of the effort to                      
reinstall.  It makes less sense considering how easy it is to add               
unofficial repositories to apt's sources.list file.                             
> [0]                                 
> [2]                                                
Wade Curry                                                                      


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