begin  quoting David Brown as of Fri, Sep 05, 2008 at 02:33:07PM -0700:
> On Fri, Sep 05, 2008 at 01:56:35PM -0700, David Looney wrote:
> >Giving different users a single account (i.e. the same UID/GID and home
> >directory) as suggested by SJS is probably better (and easy to script).
> >I never realized you could do that without causing problems.
> Not certain you can do it without problems.  I suspect most things
> would work, but wouldn't be surprised to run into an occasional
> program that gets confused.

Suprisingly little has broken over the years. I can imagine some
malformed software choking, but nothing important should break.

> You'll probably also find that most things think the logged in user is
> the first on in the passwd file.

Yup, 'cuz UID->name mappings can't tell which account you're talking
about. If this is a problem, then have the first account be a no-login
account for "Group Account X" or somesuch.

Not that it's a good idea to do this sort of thing on a regular basis.
Stewart Stremler


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