On Fri, Sep 05, 2008 at 03:47:47PM -0700, David Looney wrote:

Only about 1.3 MB, but up to ~800 users. Still not a lot of disk space,
but /home would get quite busy, and in addition anyone could possibly
see who else is a user (most usernames currently include complete
names), which is not desirable.

Anyone logged in will already be able to determine all other usernames
on the system.  The /etc/password file has to be world readable for
lots of things to work.  Having nodes in /home doesn't really tell
much more.  If you need to obscure other users you'll have to obscure
the usernames.

If you're worried about home being too busy, you should always create
the directories down an extra level


and so on.  Realistically, unless you're using a very old kernel with
ext[23] before the htree code was implemented (~2003), 800 nodes in a
directory is not really a lot.



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