>One thing about the O-200 is planes like the KR is that you really 
>need to run them
>  up around 3,200 RPM or more to get the most out of them.

Brian is correct that to get the most HP from the 0-200 you can run 
it at 3000+ RPM but you don't need 120+ HP in a KR for it to perform 
well.  With my 60X64 Sterba prop I can make redline (2750+ rpm)  but 
I get a comfortable 140 to 150 MPH cruise at 2500 RPM and 1000+FPM 
climb at full power.  The difference in running at 2500 rpm verses 
3200 rpm at cruise is 42,000 engine revolutions per hour or 19.74 
million revolutions in the 470 hours I've put on my tired old 0-200 
!!!  I suspect an engine has a finite number of revolutions it will 
make in a lifetime and I don't intend to use up my rev's any faster 
than necessary. :-) With any given engine you can get power or you 
can get reliability, but it difficult to get both at the same time.
As always, your results may vary..........

Larry Flesner

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