So here I am, finished my wing tanks and very proud of the welding work.
Somebody mentioned that I should pressure test the tank to ensure it is leak
free. I usually take good advice to heart, so I hooked up the compressor,
blocked off all the inlet, breather and other openings, prepared the little
water spray can and started the compressor. Slowly I start pressing the
lever on the gun and start spraying the seams with water to see if I detect
any bubbles. Finally I found a corner with a fine mist. I couldn't see
exactly where this offending pinhole is and I increased the pressure a bit
whilst spraying some more water on the offending seam. After about 3-4
minutes of this adding pressure then spraying water and closely watching for
the mist, I heard a "clunk" sound. Ignoring the sound (I am not stupid I
know the tank will move a bit with pressure inside) I concentrate on this
point on the seam and another two "clunks" further I finally pinpoint the

Just then my wife enters the garage with a glass of Coke. Me, very proud of
myself accepts the Coke and then I told commenced in telling her about my
detective prowess and ingenuity and that I just discovered a tiny pinhole
that could become a serious leak and I just averted a serious disaster. She
took one look behind me and said "no wonder it leaks." I turned around and
saw these two inter connected aluminum orbs that could be mistaken for beach

There must have been some 100 different facial expressions passing over my
face in the next nanosecond and as I looked back at my dear wife it is clear
that she is all choked up with sympathy, grabbing her mouth and clearly
overwhelmed with emotion and my disappointment she turned and ran into the

Suffice to say I packed up, washed and plonked in front of the TV. Air Crash
investigation was on. My wife and I didn't speak much, as she seems to choke
up every time she wants to say something. I am very blessed to have such an
understanding wife. I was in no mood to say anything.... 20 odd hours of
labor gone.... I also harbor serious thoughts about the guy's advice....



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