I have been wondering that for years, Virg

     On 3/29/2014 5:17 PM, smwood wrote:
> I'll be at Sun-N-Fun from Tues afternoon till Friday evening.  My cell 
> is 240-538-8465.  Lets get together and wonder why more KR folks are 
> not here enjoying the show.
> Sid Wood
> Tri-gear KR-2 N6242
> Mechanicsville, MD, USA
>> John
>> I'll be at Sun-n-Fun from Tues @noon till Thursday evening. Call my 
>> cell 330-388-2074 and I'll take a look at it. I'm building a wider, 
>> longer version of a KR-2S, about 80% done.
>> Are there any others KR Netters headed to S-n-F this year? Call and 
>> we can get together for a beer or dinner.Pete Klapp, Canton, OH
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