Hey Oscar, I like that physics! You guys have answered my questions on ram
air for my header tank. I bought a fiberglass tank with ram air in the cap
and 1/4 inch fitting near the top. I changed the 1/4 inch to 3/8ths got rid
of the ram in the cap and am running 3/8 tub to a collator, and then a 1/4
to an Aerocarb which only had a 1/4 inch inlet. Just as an aside, the tank
was contaminated with some kind of tar and I had to open it up and clean
it. This is probably not interesting, but my 2 bits. The chatter on air
locks was good too and I am going to try to get all my tubes straight.
Larry Bell

On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 10:06 PM, Oscar Zuniga <taildrags at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Joe wrote-
> >I have no data to compare as it was built like this from the get go
> >but I do know that my fuel pressure from the header tank (gravity feed)
> >has never been below 8/10 of a pound even though mathematically
> >that should be impossible given the height of the tank at low fuel level
> >above the pressure sensor.
> Joe; how did you figure the math?  With, or without, ram air pressure?  To
> get 0.8 psi by gravity head alone, the difference in elevation between the
> static fuel level in the header tank and the place where you measure fuel
> pressure (presumed to be the inlet to the float bowl) would need to be a
> little over 22" depending on what fuel you're running and its specific
> gravity.  That's a law of physics that can't be altered unless you are on
> another planet where the force of gravity is different, or if you are
> somewhere near Groom Lake in Area 51, and all bets are off.  However, if
> you were referring to your static head *plus* ram air pressure at cruise,
> it's not a stretch because (example): at 124 MPH, the stagnation (ram)
> pressure of air at STP is about 0.3 psig, so your gravity head of another
> 0.5 psig would be an elevation difference of a little less than 14" between
> static fuel level in the header tank and the inlet to the float bowl.
>  Probably not unrealistic for your setup.
> Whatever the case, you've seen 0.8 psi at the carb with your setup, and
> there is no arguing with that.  Good info.
> Oscar Zuniga
> Medford, OR
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