>Until recently I could use the email address on the post to send someone
>a message or a picture, as I wanted to do when reading this.  Now I don't
>know your address Larry.
>This new listserv procedure is not an improvement, IMHO.

If you hit reply, the senders e-mail address is put in the "to" line 
along with the krnet e-mail address.  Simply delete the krnet address 
and it will go only to the sender.  I used to have to hunt for it in 
the long and cluttered header.  I like this system better.  Now if 
everyone will go into there e-mail program and put something in the 
"real name" box, we'll know who sent the e-mail as some fail to even 
put their name in the e-mail as a signature.  Thanks again to Mark 
Langford for taking the time to handle the net for all of us, at his 
own expense I might add.

Larry Flesner 

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