At 07:24 AM 6/17/2014, you wrote:
>However I have got to cut the extra 6" off the front we put on when 
>we were going to use the Jab 2200 to get the w&b right! radical surgery.
>We have got to double up the main engine bearers behind the firewall as well.

Are you saying you have to cut 6" off the fuselage?  I guess the 
powers to be in England won't accept the 1000+ hours of actual flight 
time on just 2 KR's in the USA with much heavier 0-200 Continentals 
hanging on the original (with slight reinforcement in my case) 
firewall.   Is the 3300 Jabiru really that much different in weight 
than the VW?

Larry Flesner
P.S.  I seem to recall 16 rings per inch on the wood but that might 
just be a number I pulled out of my backside also.  Wait for 
something more official.  

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