I like making things myself.  The KR airplane is so simple that I  don't 
think you need any parts that are prefab.  I certainly wouldn't buy  the skins 
as the new KR airfoil would be faster anyway.  Landing  gear is easy to 
make.  Wheels and brakes...maybe Tracy Obrien or find  someone who has some to 
sell. Canopy can be made yourself or a canopy from  something else cut to 
fit or even made by a custom canopy builder.  Wing  attach fittings.....I have 
drill press.  I am sure Ken Rand never had  someone build these parts for 
the prototype.  Control stick....super easy  parts to make.  The beauty of a 
KR is like Burger King......have it your  way.  No two KRs should look alike 
and for the most part they  don't.  Custom built aircraft and the minds 
that build them are  beautiful.

Kevin Golden

In a message dated 1/14/2015 1:43:19 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
krnet at list.krnet.org writes:

I looked  over the very nice nvaero site. It appears that there is not a 
fuselage wood  or fiberglass kit for the KR1. (not popular?) so I guess that 
means plans  build.
It is great that the wing skins, landing gear/wheels/brakes, canopy,  wing 
attach fittings, control stick, are avail.
What about the control  surface hardware and rigging? I'm guessing whats 
not compatible (if anything)  from the KR2 would be off the shelf at aircraft 
In fact, if we  didnt have nvaero, I wonder if the entire plane could be 
plans built? (would  have to solve the canopy problem, and fabricate landing 
Also, one  wonders WHY do the plans "may have extended lead times"???? 
nvaero is  GREAT to have though   :)               
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