"Peter" wrote:

 >>Do your high-speed taxi training after your plane has flown with a 
"genius" pilot.<<

Troy Petteway did my first flight for me.  I'm honored and lucky that he 
did it for me...that's quite a risk for anybody to take for a friend.

And it makes a lot of sense to ask an expert pilot to test fly your 
plane...he will be more likely to "land straight ahead" or whatever it 
takes to save his bacon, rather than be so concerned about your airplane.

The downside is if the elevator comes loose or the aileron cables come 
off a pulley, and he's screwed.  You may kill him, and if that's not bad 
enough, his wife is about to sue you for everything you own.  Even if he 
signs something, I believe you are still responsible if "negligence" can 
be proven, which I wouldn't think would be too difficult considering you 
were "crazy" enough to build an Experimental plane.

I'm talking out off both sides of my mouth now, but now realize what a 
huge favor I was asking Troy to risk his life to potentially save mine. 
  in 20/20 hindsight, I wouldn't do it again for several reasons.  I'd 
rather take the risk myself, than ask somebody else to do it for me...

Mark Langford
ML at N56ML.com

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