Good news on the OSH  Forum, it's back on again!  I heard from Mark 
Forss at EAA, and it's now scheduled for 8:30-9:45 on Monday, July 20th, 
at Forum Stage 3, rather than Stage 10 as we have in the past.  I wish 
we could slide it back to 11:30 or so, but I'm happy to have a slot at 

Any suggestions regarding the program will be entertained...I've been 
doing the same thing for years, and folks may be tiring of it. Something 
we've done before is get several pilots on the stage to field questions. 
  Maybe we could do that, or several pilots with different engines in 
their planes.

After the forum, we usually walk out to the KRs that have flown in and 
have a dog and pony show, for the new folks.  I talked to Robert Pesak 
today, and although he's not flying yet, he hopes to fly to OSH, so 
that'll be a treat...

Mark Langford
ML at

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