Sorry, I can't make it this year. Bad weekend for me - kind of. Labor Day 
weekend is an annual reunion with some of my military comrades at the Kansas 
City, Irish Fest.  I'll be glad to drink a toast to my KR brothers/sisters this 
weekend as well. Cheers!

We had a pretty good time at Terry Chezik's airport in Marion KS a couple 
weekends ago. Terry, Jeff Scott, and I got to have some fun doing low 
approaches and fly-bys in our KRs. Terry's BBQ/Fly-in got a pretty good write 
up in the local paper. 

Rob Schmitt
Kansas City, MO

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Stirewalt via KRnet <krnet at>
To: krnet <krnet at>
Cc: laser147 <laser147 at>
Sent: Wed, Sep 2, 2015 1:43 pm
Subject: KR> KR Gathering

Hey KR people.  Everything I'm reading about arriving at the Gathering
has to
do with the airlines.  What kind of Gathering is it when everyone
is flying to
it in damn airliners???  Might as well be talking about a
convention of people
attending a polar bear conference.  Is anybody
(besides me) actually going to
fly their planes there?

Re the MSD crimpers, will the Taylor crimpers for 8.2
wires work?  I can
bring mine.  Do you need them in McMinnville?

regarding my new Taylor 40 Ohm wires, I'm getting a lot of radio
noise on the
carrier which I wasn't getting before so the "no noise"
feature of the Taylors
isn't working.  I can fix this by going around the
radio ground directly to the
battery but just thought I ought to correct
my initial impression.  They HAVE
fixed the missing on my secondary
ignition.  The coils are getting old and the
low resistance wires are
making life easier on them.  No missing anymore.  Not
happy with the
radio noise though.  It's still usable, just not as quiet as


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