> Subject: Re: KR> 2015 Gathering
> Jeff Wrote:
> I don't want Dan to end up in the hole on this, and I want to help build the 
> funding for the next host, who-ever and where-ever that may be, so they don't 
> start out in the hole.  Someone has to foot the bill for shirts and hats to 
> be ordered BEFORE anyone ever buys a single one of them.  Someone foots the 
> bill for the catering before anyone ever commits a penny to attend the 
> banquet.  

Larry wrote:
> I recommend that from now on whomever is going to host the Gathering set up a 
> paypal account. If you want to attend the Gathering and you want a shirt, hat 
> and attend the banquet, you pay in advance by PayPal or mail a check. This 
> way the fund is not over paying for banquet food or hats and shirts. If you 
> can't attend for some reason your prepayment for attending will become a 
> donation to the Gathering fund. Don't forget that your application to attend 
> was taken into account for food etc. Your hat and or shirt will be mailed to 
> you. There is no reason one person should be financially responsible for the 
> whole event. Everyone should show up PREPAID! All that's left to do is pick 
> up your prepaid hat or shirt and have fun attend the banquet, then there 
> won't be any hats or shirts left over.
> Think about it fellows, this only makes business sense.
> Larry H/owell 

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