Dan receive the funds in the same timeframe that I received it from you last 
year. I didn't receive the funds or ask for them for that matter until August 
of last year which is when the funds were actually needed to pay for items so 
if Dan is saying otherwise then that's his deal and frankly I really don't 
care. Could I have sent them along sooner, probably so if I would've done the 
final breakdown sooner. Did it have any affect on the items needed for the 
gathering?  No. And as far as John's comment about "full accounting of the 
gathering funds", he can kiss my ass. The previous year at Mount Vernon lost 
money and most items there are donated so I'm really not interested in anybody 
crying about why we lost money. The breakdown is on the gathering.com website.

Steve Glover

Sent from my electronic leash. 

> On Sep 10, 2015, at 17:37, Flesner via KRnet <krnet at list.krnet.org> wrote:
>> I don't want Dan to end up in the hole on this, and I want to help build the 
>> funding for the next host, who-ever and where-ever that may be, so they 
>> don't start out in the hole.
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> I had hoped that a lot of these posts with ideas and opinions for future 
> Gatherings would have been posted to Mark Langford's e-mail, as I had 
> requested in an earlier post,  to be considered by the Steering Committee.
> As host of 9 of the last 12 Gatherings, I'll give my insight to hosting a 
> Gathering, stated factually and bluntly.  Had the Gathering funds from 2014 
> been forwarded in a timely manner, Dan should not have had any out of pocket 
> expenses.  I forwarded the remaining $1000 in the Gathering fund to Dan 
> earlier this year and, shortly before this years Gathering, he received 
> $3,300 from last years Gathering. For the 2014 Gathering, I had forwarded 
> $4000 to Steve as soon as he requested it with an amount he felt he needed.  
> 2014 Gathering funds should have been available months ago.  In my opinion, 
> it is not unreasonable to require a full accounting of funds within 30 to 45 
> days following the Gathering. With that being said, $4000 to $5000 should be 
> quite adequate up front to host a Gathering.  If it's not then we need to do 
> something different.  It is not my intent to cast aspersions on anyone but to 
> present the facts so we can make good decisions.  With that behind us, lets 
> move forward with good will and keep the Gathering a fun event that we can 
> all look forward to attending.
> Prior to the 2004 Gathering, my first to host, I received $1800 from Steve 
> and Linda Bennett.  By initiating a "pre-registration" site, I was able to 
> know how many shirts/hats, with shirt sizes, to order and the approximate 
> number planning to attend the Gathering banquet.  Hats, shirts, banquet 
> deposit (if required) and awards are the biggest expenses to consider.  
> Anyone considering hosting should have an adequate facility with management 
> that welcomes our group without rental / fee demands.  Any rental / fee 
> demands should be extremely minimal or find another location.  Do in large 
> part to the generosity of the KR attendees, we were able to build the fund to 
> $5000 during the Mt.Vernon years without having to charge up front 
> registration fees, etc..  Passing the hat at the banquet was a tradition that 
> continued to support our efforts.  You may have noticed there was never an 
> accounting of income/expenses for the 2010 Gathering in Richmond , Kentucky, 
> hosted by Dana Overall, but Dana returned to me, nearly dollar for dollar, 
> the $5000 I forwarded to him.  That's all I can say on that matter.
> Before we  move to set up Pay Pal accounts, consider legally incorporating 
> the group,  or other actions, let's see how the finances shake out this year 
> and move forward making sound decisions based on the "real" needs of the 
> group.
> Anyone considering hosting a Gathering may contact me at  flesner at 
> frontier.com or (cell)  618 201 5958 and I will share a list of , in my 
> opinion, things you need to consider and needs you need to fill.
> All opinions and suggestions are welcome at  " ML at N56ML.com " with subject 
> line " 2016 Gathering".
> Larry Flesner
> Gathering host: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ----, 2011, 2012, 2013
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