I certainly would not weld up a hole in a wing attach fitting.  There is
no telling what would have in the way of small voids and/or cracks in
the weld, soft or hard and brittle spots from contamination, etc.  If it
was welded you would need to remove any plating, use a 4130 welding rod,
put on some extra material, then machine it down flat again, re heat
treat it, and if I was flying it all would be done by a professional
aerospace welder and it would get professionally inspected for cracks by
X ray, eddy current, magnaflux, or whatever the correct method is. 
Admittedly, I may be going too far, but I certainly would not weld it
and put my ass in the plane.

I remade a set of wing attach fittings for a Starduster 2 once.  The
holes to attach it to the spars were hand drilled so they were not
perfectly spaced.  I wanted the new holes to perfectly match the holes
drilled in the wood spar so what I did was clamp the new undrilled
fitting on my milling machine, put the old fitting on top of it and
eyeball align the first hole and drill, put a bolt through both fittings
to hole them together aligned, then one more hole at a time I found the
center of each with a dial indicator and indicated and drilled one hole
at a time.  I think it took three or four hours to do eight fittings,
but the result was new fittings that perfectly matched the holes drilled
in the spars.  Any machine shop should be able to do this for you if you
have fittings that are not machine drilled to the exact spacing.

Epoxied in dowels may also be acceptable, but been a long time since I
have read the wood repair section of the 43.13.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: KR> Wing Attach Fitting questions
From: Dave Acklam via KRnet <krnet at list.krnet.org>
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: Sun, January 24, 2016 11:35 am
To: KRnet <krnet at list.krnet.org>
Cc: Dave Acklam <dave.a.krnet at gmail.com>


Since some folks here have a much better understanding of the 'design'
behind the WAFs than I do...

I'm not an engineer, and I don't want to die... So further experience
probably help

Some questions:

1) What is the key force or mechanisim providing strength to the WAF
Is it the clamping pressure imparted by the bolts? The shaft of the bolt

2) Is there a preferred method to 'adjust' a set of wing fittings that
were drilled wrong? Would welding up the hole & re-drilling work?
Just make a new set?

Any other info would be useful.

I'm trying to mate wings from another KR, that I bought, to mine...
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