I reread it...

> 2. The original canopy looks like it would cause excess drag due to the 
> abrupt angle change where it meets the forward deck.

The back side is more important than the front side.  The nicely rounded
surface guides the air around fine... the trailing edge being faired in
gently is the important thing.

I flew back from St. Louis Sunday trying to stretch my fuel, and was
burning 2.9 gph at 130 mph TAS (which is independent of winds, although
I did have a 25 mph HEAD wind).  This is 45 mpg, which ain't half bad. 
Going up I did about 147 burning 3.5 gph, or 42 mph.  I flew up at
10,500' and back at 9500'.  I like to keep a long glide path under me...

Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
ML "at" N56ML.com

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