I have been using the Ifly GPS app on my tablet and phone for over a
year and love it.  I recently got a new project (Murphy Rebel) that came
with an Ifly 720.  I powered it up over the weekend and noticed that it
took probably a minute or so to boot up and operation seems to not be
very fast on it.  I kind of expected that on their dedicated hardware
that it would zip right along or at least run as good as it does on my
phone that is also running 100 other processes at the same time.  I also
noticed that the touch screen requires a harder touch than my phone or
tablet (which may be a good thing bouncing around in the cockpit)

Can any of you that run the 720 comment on this?  I am wondering if this
is normal or if mine might have some issues.

Also, did they hide a power button the unit somewhere that I just have
not found yet?

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