I feel really simple here kids. The KR2 Stock retractable gear that I am
putting back together with advice from some you and local mechs has wet
wings that I dont plan on using. Instead...A gravity feed slide valve carb
with mixture control is as sophisticated as Im going to get but she will be
strictly a VFR day flyer.
         Good to read you Sid.
On Aug 14, 2016 7:42 PM, "Sid Wood via KRnet" <krnet at list.krnet.org> wrote:

> My KR-2 has a single Facet electric fuel pump in series with a mechanical
> pump on the 2180 VW.  The Facet will will free flow fuel in the forward
> direction.  The stock VW fuel pump has a shut off feature that will not
> free flow fuel if the engine is not running; the Facet cannot pump fuel
> through the non-running mechanical pump.  I put a check valve in parallel
> with the VW mechanical pump to get fuel in the system, including the
> carburetor, for starting.  The check valve also permits engine operation if
> the mechanical pump fails.  Because I requested night VFR airworthiness ,
> the FAA inspector required fuel flow measurements with each pump operating
> separately and the engine at WOT, max AOA and minimum fuel.  Each test did
> require some discrete plumping changes firewall forward.  Test fuel flows
> were 21 gallons per hour for the VW mechanical pump and 23 gallons per hour
> with the Facet. WOT and best power mixture at 13.6 AFR burns 5.3 gallons
> per hour.
> The Facet has a check valve built-in, the VW pump will not back flow and
> the extra check valve is not supposed to let fuel back flow; but after shut
> down the fuel in the system will drain back to the selected tank.  The
> whole system, including the carburetor and gascolator, drains empty back to
> the fuel tank selected in about twenty minutes.  How the carb float bowl
> and the gascolator empty is a mystery to me.  If the fuel selector valve is
> set to off, the system will retain fuel.
> Sid Wood
> Tri-gear KR-2 N6242
> Mechanicsville, MD, USA
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Question
> Can you plumb 2 facet pumps in series and will each run the engine if the
> other
> fails. I have been trying to plumb them in parallel but its a real pain to
> get
> the tubing all bent correctly. Series would be much easier.  It looks like
> the Zenith 601 was doing it at one time.  Not sure they still are.
> Thanks.
> Craig
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