As Paul requested from the beginning, please respond to his request
OFF-NET!  That means, "DON'T SEND YOUR REPLY TO 800 PEOPLE!  He also
said "put the letter in the subject area".  That would make it easy on
him to sort and count them.  But noooooooo, why make it easy on the

And I KNOW this is asking way too much of people that are apparently
smart enough to be building airplanes, but the list rules also ask that
you delete the vast majority of the previous post before replying, which
would mean (in this case) ALL of it, because the SUBJECT tells the whole
story.  But that would assume you'd actually READ the post before you
replied to 800 people!  

I can't believe how incredibly dense some folks are.  It's a very simple
concept, and so rarely complied with....................

Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
ML "at"

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