Mark's not seeing that "what he finds easy" isn't always easy for
others.  Like in my last reply, I'll note that to EVEN HAVE THE OPTION
to trim this reply, I needed to click an additional button to show me
the quoted text.

I've noticed, that in general, people building airplanes aren't the
most computer literate people.  If you look at the rarity of websites,
the lack of pictures, the infrequency of updates.  Perhaps it's a
reflection of the general age of pilots, but they just aren't the sort
of people who handle internet etiquette well.

This shows up on every aviation forum too.

Also building airplanes is an activity that is typically pursued by
those... shall we say.. are on the specturm?  And that causes them to
miss cues, and often the idea of being polite to someone else, just
doesn't even cross their mind.  Or, they can't wrap their head around
any other way of doing it.  (This is also what leads to interesting
planes, and design choices...  good engineering, good designs, good
art, often comes from very broken people.)

Yeah, we should all trim up the e-mails to look good for others.  Or
at least use a consistent behavior.  Eg: replies ALWAYS go on top.  Or
"Only quote the reply you're responding to".

The nice way to do this would be to explain the problem with the
behavior he's seeing, and a step by step on how to fix it.

In the days of dial-up, and 2 meg e-mail accounts, 20-30-40k e-mails
was a pain in the bottom.  That's really not the case anymore.  So the
only real justification I can see for it is "My e-mail looks nasty."
Hopefully Mark will chime in if I'm wrong.

Mark, this is also me offering to write a nice reminder e-mail you can
send out every couple months.  What you sent out earlier, wasn't.


On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 1:54 PM, Flesner via KRnet <krnet at> 
> They're really going to tune out when Mark starts hitting the "DELETE"
> button.for those that don't take the time to learn and follow directions.
> Mark's apparent anger is born of years of posters not reading / adhering to
> the rules.  Some are lucky that he can't reach their throat. :-)
> Larry Flesner

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