Jim Ellison wrote:

> If you put a full 1/2 inch pice of 9 ply wood and then. The aluminum  3 inch 
> angle. Behind it. With the 5 attach points engine mount. From great planes. 
> What does the neters  think about this compination ??

No beefing up of the firewall area is required.  In fact, the 3x3 angle
is not even needed if the engine mount is properly designed to connect
at the corners, rather than out near the middle like the original
design.  See the photo at the bottom of http://www.n56ml.com/kfuse.html
for what I mean by that.  I tore a gear leg off the plane and bent the
engine mount (with a 250 pound Corvair hanging off of it), and my 1/4"
"per plans" firewall is still firmly attached...

Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
ML "at" N56ML.com

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