> "I'm kinda like Bill Clapps!!  . . . . X - the finger's for Trump?"

Bill's had/has a really dramatic ridge across the top length of the wing
where the tube interfered with the curvature of the wing.  He always said
it didn't affect the handling and that may or may not be true, but it
didn't look good.  His use of tube - although originally an idea of Jim
Bede's (using aluminum) - Bill's use of PVC tubes (or whatever type of
plastic it is, I forgot) was a very good and innovative idea.  Other
builders ought to give it some thought using the particular type of pipe
material that will not degrade - there surely must be industrial plastic
pipe of 4 inch diameter designed to carry corrosive liquids.  Aluminum
tubes as Bede used would be best I think.  

"Yeah bo" on Mr. Trump.  I voted for him by mail a couple weeks before
the election and was as surprised as anyone when he won.  I'm not
ideological in any way, (much) but I liked that he was "different" than
the usual hacks that have sold their souls so many times over just for
election money and support.  Without knowing a thing about him I came to
admire the hell out of a 70 year old man able to go at it for a year and
a half, a gruelling day-after-day ordeal, each day loaded with incredible
stress.   The only thing he's said that we know for sure is true is that
Rosie O'Donnel is a pig and that, together with the man's energy and
dedication to winning, was enough for me.  The many wild things he said
were according to his mood, a lot like a lot of us . . . or some of us
anyway.  He's a damn smart, crude talking (sometimes) fellow who will
surround himself, as he always has in business, with the smartest guys he
can find.  I'm really happy about the direction our politics have taken. 
I've nothing but contempt for the whinging freeloaders out interfering
with traffic in various cities, damaging private property in some cases. 
It's surely the last time in this nation's history as a white country
centered on western cultural values, that something like this will happen
. . . since this is the last of that era.   Our time of being a majority
white country where we can leave our doors unlocked 365 days a year and
count on a helping hand from a like-minded and competent soul when we
need someone to keep an eye on our animals for a few days while we're
gone . . . our time as a majority white country where we understand each
other without explanations, is slowly winding down.  Enjoy it everyone
while we witness the last of the gift we were given when we were born
when we were.  We were born in a time of airplanes and antibiotics and
clean, abundant plastic-free oceans.   This election marks the last
bright attempt to retain our Western Culture as we've known it all our
lives, for just a little longer.  When Trump's era is over we'll
eventually devolve into the inevitable "Diversity."  

A Pilots of America forum member said it succinctly in a post I've
remembered for at least a year.  His comment was "We can have Western
Culture or we can have Diversity."  That's too black and white to be
flatly correct, but it'll become that black and white at some point.  A
few hundred thousand more Muslims in our cities.  Larger and larger mobs
of Black Lives Matter welfare-addicts massing in public places until they
get whatever they're after . . . damned if I know what it is . . . it's
just what they do when they don't know how to fix their intrinsic social
structural inadequacies they can't seem to fix, as a culture, no matter
how much help they are given.   Most of us won't be around to see it
completely unravel, but it will.  Human population has doubled since 1965
and is well on its way to doubling again.  BBC just informed us that 60%
of the planet's wildlife has disappeared in the last 40 years.  Since the
mid 70's.  Basically, yesterday.  More of our rapidly shrinking supply of
California ground and surface water is used to grow alfalfa than is used
to sustain all 39 million current California inhabitants.  The alfalfa is
shipped to the Middle East and China dairies, primarily.  So farmers are
selling the nation's dwindling precious water supply, which they get
mostly for free - especially the aquifer water they pump without
restriction or monitoring, to sell in the form of alfalfa to feed foreign
cows.   This is happening not just in California but in the northern
Great Basin aquifers underlying Nebraska and other midwest areas.  That
water will be gone.  Soon.  Our rich mid-western farmlands which once
were covered with Tall Grass Prarie and Bison  will not far down the road
be a very sparsely inhabited desert.

There's a lot of this craziness going on and that's why I think it will
be good to have someone with a business- oriented mind running things,
and just in time.  That this successful 70 year old has the energy to
make the enormous effort it took to win his new job fills me with awe. 
Not with any political ideology or anything to start an argument about on
this fine forum, I just wanted to express my gratitude that someone like
Trump has shown themselves willing, without need for personal material
gain and against massive collective criticism of his earthy, human,
non-politically-correct and often ill-considered speech, to have the
resources and chutzpah to give "what's what" to the mealy-mouthed media
and apologists that seem to have lost their capacity for independent
thought and instead run around taking offense at whatever isn't
"acceptable" to their "PC" sheeple minds.  They're everywhere.  At almost
the last minute, this flamboyant fellow with his own Boeing has come
along to question the Orwellean Doublespeak that has become so much the
norm that someone asking an honest question ("We need to stop and
understand what the hell is going on with these Muslims, don't you
think?) is immediately branded a misfit or subversive.  

Apart from the crap flooding across the southern border (I don't mean
Mexicans generally - this area of the country I live in was once theirs
and I very much like them, their language, their food . . . they can keep
their fat breeder women under control if they would kindly do so as well
as leave their machismo crap back where they come from . . . maybe they
will with time) but a lot more than Mexicans are coming across that
border.  Migrants, many hostile to our way of life, are also finding
their way in large numbers.  We don't hear a lot about them for some
reason.   I think Trump has read the reports and is why is focussed on
the "wall" - a thoroughly impractical idea in itself.  Here in San Diego
we have a good wall that goes for many miles.  It's riddled with tunnels,
some they find, some they don't.  There's always new ones.  There's got
to be a more effective way to close the southern border than by "building
a wall."  Trump spoke in simple terms during his long campaign.  When
talking to mobs, you have to do that I think.


Gas tanks, especially a nice big header tank (mine is 17.4), should be
easily removable and constructed of aluminum IMHO.  That's what Ken
Cottle used in N335KC and it's worked extremely well for almost 30 years.
  I've got a 4 gallon vinyl ester wing tank that has never caused a
problem but has also never had anything except avgas in it.  I like the
idea of not gumming up the Ellison with composite residue.  If something
works really well, I appreciate and recommend it.  

Please pardon my Trump comments ML.  I know these kinds of observations
are out of bounds and I won't do it any more, nor follow up on anything
I've written here today.  

Mike Stirewalt
Laser147 at Juno.com

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