That's interesting as I get 40 pictures on each 1.4 meg. floppy disk. 
Obviously you're not using a Mavica.  The pictures I get are standard JPG
format and excellent quality.  I have been using mine to document my
construction.  As for the size of the camera, it's very compact.  Before
criticizing it, check it out and you might be surprised by the quality of
both the camera and the pictures it produces.  As for the builder interested
in the camera, I bought mine refurbished off the net.  I paid about $150 for
it two years ago and have used it along side my 4x5 view camera, my
Hasselblad 2 1/4 and several Pentax 35 mm cameras.  For the price, it's one
fine camera!  Check out the net for refurbished ones and save a bundle!

-------Original Message-------

From: KR builders and pilots
Date: Sunday, August 03, 2003 20:37:09
To: KR builders and pilots
Subject: Re: KR>(no subject)

> I bought a Sony Mavica for the school library, mainly because it uses
> standard floppy disks.

That's probably great for a library, where you might not "get out" much, but
out in the field, the 1.44M of disk space that a floppy offers will only
save two of my pictures! I bought a 256M Flashcard for 30 bucks a few
months ago, enough to yield 440 pictures at the highest resolution my camera
can shoot! A USB card reader is normally something like 20 bucks, but I got
mine free from some company just for buying another card earlier.

The floppy dictates a large squarish footprint for the camera too, and some
funky ergonomics, I suspect. Maybe miniCD is better. Can't say, not

But I'm all for the Olympus Camedias too. The 360L or 390L or whatever it's
up to these days. I started out with their first one (and several others)
and it was the best by far of the ones I tried. Olympus seems to care about
image quality more than most.

I wrote some stuff about digital photography (although it's old) and
creating webpages, at the top of
, if it helps at all...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL
N56ML "at"
see KR2S project at

see KRnet list details at


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