Ladies & Gentlemen,

I did not start the list thread about the
metric system. While I stand by my opinion
that the metric system would be an economic
disaster for the U.S., I also realize that
this list was NOT the appropriate place for 
me to express my opinion. I knew very well 
that this list is dedicated to our common
love of aviation.

The fact that I was provoked by some personal
attacks against me does not excuse my lapse
in judgement.

I did make most of my replies to this subject off
the list privately and have made some new friends
(foreigners believe it or not!) in that manner.

Anyway, I was wrong to go so deeply into a non-
aviation related subject on this list.

I do deeply regret doing so. I also sincerely 
apologize to everyone except Dana Overall
whom I believe should apologize to me.

Anyway, you have my firm promise not to post
anything else here that is not aviation related.
That promise is good whether I am provoked
or not. Anyone wanting to discuss anything
with me is welcome to do it off the list to

I hope this makes proper amends and we can all go
back to posting and reading about aviation.

Kindest Personal Regards,

Dean Allen

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