Good thing you don't live in Oregon.

I've seen some paint damage on spam cans out here
due to flying in severe rain.  I haven't flown my KR
out here, but haven't heard from local EAA ers not
to fly in the rain generally.

Their was a canard aircraft which had some rain issues
and I think I heard some similar comments from a Long-EZ
pilot who had some canard fix.  I'm open to hearing
from netters on this, but haven't been "warned" off 
of flying when the wing gets wet.

I think this is one of those "laminar flow" type concerns
and at the moment, I don't even recall if the KR airflow
RAF-46 (I think) was a laminar flow airfoil.  It's older
so I would bet it is not laminar flow... but I'm a hose
head, and often wrong.

 -- Ross

-> each time it drizzles i don't fly i cant find any information on the effects 
> of lite rain other then higher stick pressers with the Kr.      it seams that 
> most wood propped airplanes don't fly anyway do to damage with or without 
> urethane edge is what i understand.  i just like to know if IM caught in a 
> shower 
> will it do damage to the aircraft i always wipe it down if it gets wet or 
> washing i also avoid the hinge points (controls) mac.
> n1055a flying 
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