That is correct.  You don't need a tailwheel endorsement to fly a tailwheel KR. 
 But again, I think it would be completely foolish to try to fly a KR without 
tailwheel training and if you are going to get enough training to be proficient 
you should get signed off.

Personally, I got about six hours in a Citabria before I dared to taxi my KR 
with the tailwheel up.  The reason that I researched the rule is because I was 
near a signoff in the Citabria when my instructor took a three week trip to 
Venezuela.  He told me that he would probably sign me off on the next flight 
and the only thing we still needed to do is wheel landings.  I didn't fly my 
plane until I did about four hours of high speed taxiing and I could keep it 
perfectly straight on the centerline.  When my instructor came back I did some 
wheel landings with him and got the signoff.  Again, I didn't try wheel 
landings in the KR until I did some with the instructor in the Citabria.

Oddly enough, when I called for insurance quotes no one asked me if I had a 
tailwheel signoff, but I wouldn't be surprised if the policies stated in them 
that you must have a tailwheel signoff to be covered in a tailwheel plane 
regardless if you are technically legal.

I will state one more time: Don't try taxiing your KR with the tail up until 
you have been trained by an instructor and are proficient.  I also very highly 
recommend that you have the endorsement in your logbook before you do it. 

Dan Heath wrote:

RE: FAR 61.31 (d) (1) states that a pilot in command must "Hold the
appropriate category, class, and type rating (if a class rating and type
rating are required) for the aircraft to be flown." Part (k) Exceptions
states "The rating limitations of this section do not apply to- ... (iii)
The holder of a pilot certificate when operating an aircraft under the
authority of an experimental or provisional aircraft type certificate."

Then, that means that no one needs a tailwheel endorsement to fly a
conventional gear KR and all the talk about having to have one, is just a
bunch of speculation?? 

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