In a message dated 1/12/2004 4:04:51 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

I dont know Who Wrote this but it is not right!
Dan & netters,
The information you are sharing is what is typical of the regs and the way 
that things are published by the FAA.  Often times the wording will be in order 
to act as Pilot in Command, you do or do not need something.  However, to BE 
actual Pilot in Command you must have this or that.  The technicality being 
that in one case you are performing the duties of Pilot in Command, so you can 
log it and so forth.  However, someone else was actually PIC, like a flight 
instructor.  You are logging experience as PIC but the actual PIC of the flight 
the instructor. You don't have to have a pilot's license to fly an 
experimental, but to carry passengers minimum Private Pilot's License.  You 
don't have 
to have a taildragger endorsement to fly a conventional geared experimental, 
but if during certification the inspector requires those remarks be in your 
than you can ACT as PIC as long as someone is PIC.  But you cannot be the 
PIC, unless endorsed or rated.  The FAA cannot ground an airplane according to 
the regs and Inspectors

Chris Theroux 
Gilbert Az   

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