I received my KR2s plans today! I am now studying them. I don't know how long I 
will do that before beginning to build. I want to have in my head the overview 
of how I will proceed. I have noticed some have made errors that have cost time 
and $. I'm sure I'll make some mistakes and changes along the way. I would just 
like to minimize them.

Right now I am planning to make bent spars. new airfoil, wing tanks only, 
trigear, extended flaps, 6" wider fuselage, corvair, and the 
biggie.......carbon graphite fuselage (2layers outside 1 inside) I have a 
source for c282  50"wide for 14.00 a lin yard.

Anyone interested in carbon at that low price can email me.

Has anyone run the rudder cables through a plastic conduit. What would the 
ramifications be of doing so?

Please be gentle in you flaming.

God is in the details
Ron Smith

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