YES, Thank you.
The net can answer questions.


> From:
> Date: 2004/05/24 Mon PM 03:43:56 GMT
> To:
> Subject: Re: KR> spar cap width
> In a message dated 5/24/2004 5:15:43 AM US Mountain Standard Time, 
> writes:
> > Stupid question... Is the height of the root end of
> > the outside spar the same as the height of the
> > center spar?  From what I can tell it is.
> I think he is asking if the outer spars total thickness at the root is the 
> same as the center spar total thickness. And he's right the print does not 
> say 
> if I remember right. If you are building the new airfoil (AS5048) the 
> thickness 
> of the center spar is 8.19 and the root of the outer spar is the same.
> Was that what you were asking?
> Chris Theroux
> Gilbert, AZ
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