As with all chemicals it is advised to read the Material Data Safety Sheets
(MSDS) that are associated with the chemicals. This is for resins, but also
for any kind of solvent. If the data sheets do not come with the product,
they can be ordered by from the manufacturer (who have to provide them, as
required by OSHA). The MSDS contains information about problems with
exposure to skin, eyes and breathing. They also give ideas what to use when
in contact with skin. Typically water and soap is the choice of cleaning
agent, when in contact with resin. Aceton disolves all fats in the skin,
dries it out and helps transport the resins into the skin, making exposure
even worse.

Be aware of Latex gloves, as they are not as tight as you may think. In
fact, Aceton goes right through it. Better are Nitril or Butylen gloves. In
my line of work I have to work a lot with acrylic monomers, some of which
are extreme skin sensitizers, others are less harmful. From there I also
know that some poeple react very quickly to some of the chemicals, while
others to not appear to have any problem whatsoever. All in all, the best
defense is to use proper protective wear such as nitril gloves.


-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Brian Kraut
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 8:57 PM
To: KRnet
Subject: KR> epoxy safety

When I was at Sun and Fun I was working at the Wicks booth with their
manager that had been with them for twenty something years.  He told me that
of all of the people he knew that had serious health problems from epoxy,
that most of them were using gasoline, MEK, or Acetone to clean the epoxy
off of their hands.  Aside from the other nasty things those chemicals can
do to you, they also open up your pores and let the epoxy get in them.
Obviously, it is best to uses gloves, but if you do get epoxy on your hands
use something a little safer to get it off.

Brian Kraut
Engineering Alternatives, Inc.

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