One thing to consider about foam is Styrofoam will dissolve in gasoline.  If
you can, see about getting Polyurethane foam.  Baring that, you might want
to consider making (having made) aluminum fuel tank(s).  

Gene Leone, Worland, Wyoming

When you give a lesson in meanness to a critter or a person, don't be
surprised if they learn their lesson.
-------Original Message-------

From: KRnet
Date: 06/16/04 08:32:04
Subject: KR> Foam type

Dear KR-netters,

After much time spent on the foam issue decided to ask for helping to all of
Here in my country (Europe) the only available foam for me is Dow blue
extruded Styrofoam.
It has a VERY-VERY small cell structure and I am not sure if I could use
such kind of foam
in wing construction since I am afraid about delaminating. I had seen many
types of foam
used by all of you (on your sites), some of you seems to use such kind, but
I am not sure.
There is no question about other type of foam with relative large cell
(1-2mm), just fill the cell with micro
and the laminate. How in case of tight cell, the epoxy is not absorbed at
all by my foam, so the laminate
Is just glued on. But on the specimens I had done it is very easy to tear
off the laminated fiberglass.
May be I am not right, may be in a large an closed structure as wind is
every thing will be OK?

The question is, may I send to some one of you (who will accept) some
specimens of my foam
just for appreciation, is it the same type as you have there in USA or not.
Or may be some one understand me right what type of foam I am referring to
and will explain me a little bit more about.

With best regards,
Alex Birca,

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