A few months ago we took up a collection for a "prop fund", a sort of  KR
prop bank where folks could swap, trade, sell, or buy a KR prop that didn't
quite work on one KR, but might be dandy on another.  I collected about $550
to get the thing rolling, but I've yet to buy a prop.  Obviously, I don't
want to blow it on one prop.  So I'm hoping some kind souls who have an old
KR prop hanging around that they have no use for wouldn't mind selling it to
the fund for a bargain, so that somebody who's not quite sure what prop they
need would have a chance to try some different ones before he went out and
dropped the big bucks.

Now that I think about it, some folks may have a prop, but want to hang on
to it for a spare.  If that's the case, you could let us know what you've
got and we'll put it in the "could be borrowed temporarily" class and if the
need arises, you could ship it direct to somebody to try out, with the
understanding that they owe you $50 for the privilege, you'd want it right
back, and if they trash it they have to buy it.   Is there anybody out there
that could automate this and put it online?  I guess I'm talking about a
realtime "KR prop bank" where folks could offer their old/spare prop to the
communtity to give folks the chance to "test drive" a prop to find out what
works best on their KR.   I'd think that the borrower would send the lender
a check big enough to cover things if it never came back though.  If things
worked out between lender and borrower, somebody might even get a good deal
on a prop, and the seller could now afford to get something that worked
better as his own "spare".  Whatayathink?

On the WAF front, I'm told that RR has had trouble getting WAFs, so that's
probably the reason for the delay.   She'll deliver eventually.   So I don't
think I need to make any WAFs after all.

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
N56ML "at" hiwaay.net
see KR2S project at http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford

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