Back when this first came up, I volunteered to handle the prop bank and will
still be glad to do it. I have room to store and inventory props and have
daily access to shipping and receiving. If we can get this prop bank going,
I too think it would benefit many folks.

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI  USA
E-mail me at
Visit my KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Langford" <>
To: "KRnet" <>
Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2004 10:26 PM
Subject: KR> prop fund becomes "KR Prop Bank"?

> A few months ago we took up a collection for a "prop fund", a sort of  KR
> prop bank where folks could swap, trade, sell, or buy a KR prop that
> quite work on one KR, but might be dandy on another.  I collected about
> to get the thing rolling, but I've yet to buy a prop.  Obviously, I don't
> want to blow it on one prop.  So I'm hoping some kind souls who have an
> KR prop hanging around that they have no use for wouldn't mind selling it
> the fund for a bargain, so that somebody who's not quite sure what prop
> need would have a chance to try some different ones before he went out and
> dropped the big bucks.
> Now that I think about it, some folks may have a prop, but want to hang on
> to it for a spare.  If that's the case, you could let us know what you've
> got and we'll put it in the "could be borrowed temporarily" class and if
> need arises, you could ship it direct to somebody to try out, with the
> understanding that they owe you $50 for the privilege, you'd want it right
> back, and if they trash it they have to buy it.   Is there anybody out
> that could automate this and put it online?  I guess I'm talking about a
> realtime "KR prop bank" where folks could offer their old/spare prop to
> communtity to give folks the chance to "test drive" a prop to find out
> works best on their KR.   I'd think that the borrower would send the
> a check big enough to cover things if it never came back though.  If
> worked out between lender and borrower, somebody might even get a good
> on a prop, and the seller could now afford to get something that worked
> better as his own "spare".  Whatayathink?
> On the WAF front, I'm told that RR has had trouble getting WAFs, so that's
> probably the reason for the delay.   She'll deliver eventually.   So I
> think I need to make any WAFs after all.
> Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
> N56ML "at"
> see KR2S project at
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