Mark J wrote:

> The funds for the propeller bank are growing at a snails pace. Only three
people have made donations towards the prop bank since I took over the
project from Mark Langford. There is a balance of $620 in the prop bank
fund. We sure could use a lot more donations if we are going to make this
work for us. <

And let the record show that I forwarded the $550 that I collected from the
sale of KRnet stickers, as well as some generous contributions from a few
guys that really care to help other KR builders/pilots.  That means that
only seventy bucks has been contributed lately.  Maybe that's OK though, if
the rest of us will just throw an old prop in the kitty.  I borrowed one
from William Wynne (that came through Mark Jones first) that had a big crack
in it and was unairworthy, but was perfect for ascertaining what my engine
could turn static.  This led to the decision to buy Steve Makish's "old"
Sterba 52x66 that I think will be a good fit for my engine and speed.  Even
if you have a prop that you'd consider unflyable, it might do somebody some
good in determining what prop their airplane can use.

Something I've been planning to do is lobby each of the prop makers for a
typical example of their KR prop, maybe one that's been returned, or maybe
even a brand new one.   If somebody discovers they can use it, they send
Mark J a check for the full price, and Mark orders another one from that
same prop maker to take its place.  It's almost a "buy on consignment" deal,
where the KR builder has the opportunity to try several different props,
only having to pay the $20 in shipping and maybe another $30 for to the fund
"for the service" if it doesn't work out.  Fifty bucks is a cheap price to
pay to find out for sure if a prop isn't right for your airplane.

Since we're talking about props, I should mention that I talked to Troy last
night, and he told me about Jeff Duval's new Culver prop.  CNC machined and
something like $500, delivered 14 days after ordering.  Jeff is the lucky
guy that flys the the KR2 that I tried to buy about 10 years ago, the only
guy that managed to fly in to the "Columbia Fly-in" we had back in 1998.
Jeff thinks he'll make it to the Gathering, and Troy has reservations as

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
N56ML "at"
see KR2S project at

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