Excellent info on the parts and procedures.  My
question though is, "Can maritime fitiings, materials
etc. be substituted for Wicks parts?"  I know there
are quality issues with Home Depot type stuff, but are
there other options?  Thanks.
--- Oscar Zuniga <taildr...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> John asks-
> >Can anyone please tell me where the primer lines
> should enter the engine?
> If you're talking about the Corvair engine, he
> obvious place is at the base 
> of the carb mounting pad, where there is already a
> hole and where fuel can 
> go right into the log.  There are small tubes
> sticking out but you pull 
> those and tap the hole to receive the primer
> fittings.  You can see pictures 
> of this on William Wynne's Pietenpol setup,
> starboard and port, at 
> http://www.flysquirrel.net/piets/WWVair05.jpg and
> WWVair07.jpg
> >Also what size hole and thread size should be used?
> I believe I tapped the hole for 1/8" NPT for the
> brass fitting shown, and I 
> believe I got the primer fittings from Aircraft
> Spruce, info on the bits and 
> pieces at
> If you're talking about something other than the
> Corvair, I can't help you!
> Oscar Zuniga
> San Antonio, TX
> mailto: taildr...@hotmail.com
> website at http://www.flysquirrel.net
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