>I am thinking of filling them with wax....comments anyone????

Mark, that is exactly the way it's done on the Flying Squirrel (aka, "KR 
Construction Trainer").  You can either light a candle and let it melt/drip 
into a screw hole if that's convenient, or else just scrape some up and 
stuff it into the hole and tamp it in firmly with the end of a matchstick.  
Whatever the case, it comes right out later with a slightly undersized drill 
bit or what-have-you.

If you'll be glassing over the nutplate area and need a locator to help 
"find" the covered-up nutplate, stick a matchstick or toothpick in the hole 
after the wax is in and leave a nub sticking out as you glass over.  You can 
drill out the stick and the wax after the glass hardens.

Be real careful with wax though... just put it in the nutplate holes and 
don't get carried away.  Epoxy and flox will not stick to it, nor will many 
other adhesives or fillers.

Oscar Zuniga
San Antonio, TX

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