Military also used depleted uranium for armor piercing rounds.
Jack Cooper

> [Original Message]
> From: Doug Rupert <>
> To: KRnet <>
> Date: 10/16/2004 2:14:59 PM
> Subject: RE: KR> Depleated Uranium (Lead)
> Only problem with that theory is the fact that lead is soft and can be
> easily molded by hand. Spent uranium on the other hand is what the
> uses for armor plate on the Abrams tank among other things and it is
> virtually bullet proof and needs special artillery rounds to penetrate
it. I
> have a hand time believing these materials are one and the same and think
> would be getting another source of information to further investigate this
> little item.
> Doug Rupert
> Did you know that Lead is Depleated Uranium!!!
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