I intend to go to Corvair College that weekend.  Will
be leaving from New Orleans.  Will try to fly in a
Cessna 152 but may have to drive.  Anybody on the way
that needs a ride, let me know. Maybe we can do
something.   Planning on leaving Thursday afternoon. 
Am also planning on camping but may go the motel
route, unsure as of yet.

--- Stephen and Janet Henderson <sp...@earthlink.net>

> Hello everyone,
>     Please don't forget that Corvair College # 8
> will be on November 12-14. If you need more info,
> then visit http://www.flycorvair.com/cc8.html or
> email me directly. If anyone is flying into the
> Orlando airport and needs a ride there then let me
> know. I hope to see some fellow KR builders/flyers
> there so that I can put a name with a face.  
> Thank you,
> Stephen Henderson
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