Took the camcorder in the plane today to try and make inside flying video of at 
least a takeoff and landing.  All strapped up and started filming on takeoff 
from Sanford, landing at Massey Ranch for fuel.  Went back to review film 
Glare on the windshield washed out the video entirely!  Nothing but blue glare 
from reflection of dash cover.  Oh well, filming will have to wait until Bev 
can run the camera while I fly.

Climbed to 5500 feet today with no appreciable drop in climb rate.  Since 
adding vent tube to regulator charging has remained pretty constant.  Since 
moving the carb inlet to below the heads, no more carb icing, and engine runs 
consistent from after 5min until shut down, and restarts are much easier.  Just 
need to plug the hole in the baffles now.  The air was so smooth at 5500' today 
before 2 pm that several times I was able to let go of the stick and the plane 
just stayed right there for several miles. NOT so below the cloud layer.  Lots 
of horizontal windshear today.  A queasy person would have gotten sick.  
Several times I ran out of control input and just had to ride where ever the 
plane was going in the turbulence.  My speeds are now matching the GPS much 
closer, with adjustments for wind, so the static port will stay inside the 
cabin for now until a better location is determined.  My stall speed is now 
down to 51 mph power off, and 49 mph power on, indicated speeds. Also I have 
been able to adjust pattern speeds down 10 mph and still have good control.  
Gassed up today twice and the totals show $38.69 for 15 gallons, giving a cost 
of $9.67 per hour, and fuel consumption average of 3.73 gallons per hour.  Top 
speed 135 mph, cruise at either 120 mph or 105 mph. Can't beat the prices!!!! 

22.2 hours and counting...

Colin & Beverly Rainey
Apex Lending, Inc.

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